Chapter 5: Party Part 2

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“Ladies, first” Eric said as we entered to Daniel’s house. I looked at the house in front of me with shock. Half an hour ago this house was a normal, classy house but now it had changed into a party house. There was atleast 60 people who were dancing in the middle of the room and even more people who were talking and laughing at the garden of the house or doing whatever at the upstairs. I spotted Daniel, Alex and Adam at the corner of the room waiting for us. When Adam saw me he quickly pulled me into a half-hug then putted his arm around me in a friendly supporting way. I could get used to this, Adam seemed like a nice guy that I can love like a brother other than John or Thomas. Then Adam leaned into me and whispered:

 “Sorry about Jason, I didn’t know that he would say something like that. He was excited to meet with you just like us but you reminded him of Jessica, she was very sarcastic and confident just like you”.

“No, problem. I think I overreacted a little bit.” I said smiling. Atleast he doesn’t think that its my fault.

“If you hadn’t overreacted, you wouldn’t be a girl. It’s in your nature” he said laughing.

“Hey!” I shouted but I was laughing too. Then Alex came to our side and wrapped his arm around me.

“Hey! I want to join the conversation too. This is the first time that I am waiting for a girl. Seriously, your friend Tessa is something different” he said. I smiled, Alex and Tessa will make a cute couple.

“Yeah she is and if you hurt her I will kill you” I said trying to act serious but I couldn’t help laughing when Alex looked so afraid and shocked.

“Okay, ma’am” he said then Adam and I started laughing hysterically. Then I saw Daniel and Charlotte talking at the other corner of the room. Charlotte was blushing while Daniel was saying something to her.

“Awww, they are so cute!” said Adam when he saw them too.

“Ew, man you talked like a girl” said Alex looking disapprovingly at him. I smiled and leaned into Adam, relaxing. These two, were really funny and after that fight I was kinda tired. I stayed there for a minute, enjoying the atmosphere then I heard someone clearing their throat. When I looked at who it was I saw Eric. Adam and Alex released me then went away after shoting me an apologetic look.

“I thought that you were my date not Adam’s.” he said.

“I was just befriending them” I said challenging him to say anything more.

“Okay, care to dance?” he said.

“I thought that you would never ask” I said smiling. I wasn’t a super dancer like Tessa but I knew how to dance in a party. I had started to go to the parties when I was a freshman. I walked up to the dance floor with Eric while replaying the dance lessons I had with Tessa. I couldn’t do any of the gymnastic moves but I was good at hip swaying or I thought so. This was a chance to test it. Eric looked at me smiling but then I turned my back to him smirking. He looked confused, then said:

“Aren’t we going to dance?”.

“Well, the music isn’t slow so I thought that this would be a better way to dance” I said then heard his breath hitch. I wasn’t the schools slut but I knew how to attract boys. He putted his hands on my waist then pulled me closer to his chest, now I could feel his chest at my back.

“Is... Is this okay?” Eric said. He wasn’t so confident in a situation like this, hah he isn’t as confident as everyone thinks he is.

“Yeah, it is” I said then started to sway my hips and raised my arms at the rhytm of the music. After a few seconds Eric got the mesagge and started to dance too. After ten minutes of dancing when I did a perfect hip sway, Eric groaned and said that he had danced enough. I smiled and thought Amelia:2 Eric: 0.


“Wow, you really can dance.” Eric said as we drank our drinks. I had drank much more than my comfort zone, I wasn’t a lightweight but the amount of alcohol that I had drank was enough to make 2 people drunk.

“I can’t dance to save my life but I know some moves with my hips” I said. Normally I wouldn’t say anything like that but as my senses went away with alcohol all I could think was how sexy Eric looked. I tried to remind myself that he was one of the... one of the... three? Or was it six? 6... Why was I thinking about the number six? Oh right, I remember it now... I was thinking about Eric’s six packs.

“What are you thinking about?” Eric said.

“Your six packs” I said while leaning closer to him.

“Amelia, how much did you drink?” Eric said.

“Enough to kiss you” I said leaning even more closer to him.

“Umm, that means you probably drank the whole alcohol in the world... Tell me something Amelia what would stop me from taking adventage of you, when you are in a situation like this. After all, I am a teenage boy that have the only chance to be with the popular Mrs.Amelia Campbell.” He said his eyes darkening a little. What would stop him? Hmm.

“Well, you would only stop if you cared about me or loved me but you are the Eric Steel, just like your surname you have steel instead of a heart. So nothing would stop you, even the fact that you know that I am a virgin” I said as tears threatened to spill. I had no idea why I wanted to cry about. I was an emotional girl but I had hardly cried nor did I show that side of me to anyone. I knew that I was like this because I was drunk but it didn’t help the situation.

“A... a virgin?” he said shocked.

“Yes” I said then started to cry. I will totally regret this when I am awake and sober.

“Hey, please don’t cry. I didn’t want to make you cry. It’s okay to be a virgin, its okay.” He said while hugging me. Then he pulled away, wiped the tears with his thumbs then caressed my cheek with his hand. He smiled at me looking a little bit sad, then said:

“Do you really think that I have a heart made of steel?”.

“You never loved someone, you never will. You like to use girls, play with them like they are just a game. Not humans, you don’t think that they have a heart. You see everyone like yourself. Never emotions, just fun. Maybe thats not a heart made of steel but it still is a mechanical heart.” I whispered the last part loud enough for only him to hear.

“You are wrong” he whispered.

“Why?” I said.

“Because, you said that I will never love someone but I think I am falling for you.” He said then leaned into me. Just as our noses touched each other he pulled away before we could get closer.

“Why didn’t you kiss me?” I said feeling rejected. Me feeling rejected? Yeap, I am definetly drunk.

“Because if I had kissed you when you are drunk, you would probably regret it when you are sober and you would be right. I would had a heart made of steel just like you said but you are wrong. Yeah, I have a heart filled with ice because I never met with anyone to fill it with warmth and love... And Amelia it scares me that you are the warmth that I had been waiting for because a warm heart is the easiest breakable one. “ he said. After that soothing words I felt myself slipping away, drifting to sleep in Eric’s arms.



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