Chapter 13: A New Start

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Amelia's POV:
I knelt down next to Eric, even though I didn't know what was happening. Eric was on the floor with his head between his knees, he was shaking but he wasn't crying. I putted my hand on his shoulder. He looked up at me, his eyes were dull with defeat but why?
"Eric, what happened. Tell me." I said softly to him. He took an uneven breath.
"It's about my father. Last night, Cath called me and said that she had a special information about him. I went to her house and she showed me some documents. In... in the documents it is written that I am not his son by DNA, I am borned from a mistake. A mistake of my mom and Jackson Vega, Lucy's father." he said looking at the floor. I was speechless, I expected a lot of things when Cath said she had sent a document to Eric's father but I wasn't expecting this.
"We will get through this together. You can go to home and explain this to him. I think he will under-" just then Eric's phone rang. Eric closed his eyes in a pained way and opened it.
"Father?" he said. I couldn't hear what his father was saying but from the way Eric flinched when his father said something, I could understand that it wasn't anything good.
"I swear I didn't know it, I just learned it yesterday. I never tried to use you, dad." he said in a whisper-like tone.
"I won't call you 'Dad' again I am sorry." he said, his eyes were teary. What kind of a father was he? Yeah maybe he learned that Eric wasn't his true son but how could he act like this towards the kid he raised as his own son?
"Okay, I won't come home again. I am sorry." he said in a defeated tone. He closed his phone and looked at me. I just hugged him while he cried silently.
For the whole day, Eric didn't speak a word. After I heard the whole story from Alex, I couldn't help but feel guilty. If I hadn't said those silly words to Alice, Eric wouldn't have kissed me and he would be happy with his father. When the day finished, I realized that Eric had nowhere to go but asking him where he will stay at night would only make him feel worse. Before I could ask the boys about it, Daniel came next to Eric.,
"Hey, do you want to stay in my house tonight?" Daniel said. Eric just shook his head and said:
"No, I don't want to."
Just then Lucy Vega came running towards us.
"Eric, I swear I didn't know that Cath would do something like this. I didn't even know how she got the documents. When I came here, she acted so nice towards me and I thought that she was a good girl so when she asked me why I came here from New York, I told her about how I wanted to met with my long lost brother and told her your name. I swear I didn't know that she would do something like this. I am so sorry." she said. Then she started to cry, she hugged Eric and said that she was sorry. Normally, I would have felt jealous but Lucy was Eric's sister, atleast by DNA. After a minute, Eric hugged her in an uncertain way then pulled her off of him. He looked at her wearily then said:
"Are you really my sister?"
"Yes, my dad married with my mother when your mother was pregnant to you. I borned 9 months after your birth so we are practically like twins." she said smiling. She didn't look bad at all, maybe Lucy could help Eric.
"Eric, you need to come to your home, your real home. Our father is waiting for you and ever since you were little, my mom always wanted to meet with you. You can come and live with us, you can have a real family. " Lucy said with hopeful eyes.
"If he had wanted me, why didn't he ever speak with me?" Eric said.
"Because your mother didn't want you to know that my dad was your dad too. So she made him promise that he wouldn't ever talk to you. She didn't want to risk her marriage and our dad didn't want to break up your mom and dad so he couldn't tell you that he was your real father. Please give us a chance." Lucy said. Eric took a deep breathe and did something that I wouldn't ever thought that he would do, he hugged Lucy and said:
"Okay, I will give this a chance".
It was all planned. Eric would go to his old house, take all of his belongings and he wouldn't ever return back but by the way he was shaking when we arrived to his house, I could understand that saying it was easier than doing it. I squeezed his hand, and nodded my head signalling him that he can do this. He gave me an uneasy smile then went inside the house. Fifteen minutes later he came back with four luggages and a backpack, there was also a document bag.
"Okay, maybe I can understand the 4 luggages and the backpack but why the hell do you have a document bag?" I asked him.
"Well, lets just say I was a spoiled kid." He said smirking at me.
"What?" I asked. He opened the bag and handed me the papers. One of the papers was his cars licence papers, one of them was a house deed in California and one of them was a apartment deed in New York. The last one was a check notebook, I opened the notebook and found 10 or more checks that were written by Eric's mom and dad.
"Hey, don't look so surprised. You already knew about my car and the houses were old birthday presents for my future from my mom and my parents don't know about the check notebook. Whenever they wrote a check for me I hid it and spent money from my credit card instead so if I needed money one day immediatly I would have it." He said. For a rich boy like him, I was surprised that he did something like this.I had never thought about saving up money before. I nodded, speechless by his answer. He took my hand in his and as I saw Eric fidgeting nervously while I started the car, I was sure that he was excited to meet his new dad and new family.

Hey Guys! I hope that you liked this chapter! Eric's picture is at the side ;) Make sure to COMMENT, VOTE & FAN!

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