Chapter 13: Mounting Tensions

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Chapter 13:

Mounting Tensions

The first text came thirteen hours later. Emily had forwarded alerts from the burner phone to alert her cell phone to any new incoming messages. Before she'd left the bar Maurice had showed her how to make the forwarded messages look like a junk text message on her regular phone, so it couldn't be traced or tracked. It was just a way for her to know he'd texted without her having to risk carrying the burner phone around. Emily was impressed she'd remembered how to do it considering she was high on adrenaline and alcohol fumes when he told her what to do.

The alert popped up just as Ali and Emily were finishing up dinner. She tried not to appear too distracted, because she'd had such a good day with Ali that she didn't want to ruin it. Lily was with Hanna's family for the night, leaving the two of them alone for the first time since before Grace had died.

Emily had made Ali dinner and then they had curled up on the couch to catch up on their TV shows. Emily hadn't paid any attention whatsoever to the shows. She was vaguely aware of Ali laying her head against her chest. She had mindlessly rubbed Ali's back and played with her hair. It was a reflex, an automatic reaction. Holding and touching Ali was second nature to her. It was just part of her instincts. She didn't think that her mindlessness would come back to bite her in the ass, but when she was climbing next to Ali in bed later that night she was hit with a pop quiz.

"I can't believe we have to wait a whole week to find out what happens. I feel like the writers are trying to kill us with the anticipation. Stupid cliffhangers." Ali ranted.

"Definitely." Emily nodded, not really having anything at all to add to the conversation, because she had no clue what they had even watched tonight, much less what had happened.

Ali looked at Emily, her brow cocked. Something told her she wasn't paying attention. She tried to hide the growing smirk on her face, because she was about to give Emily hell. But in a fun way, of course.

"It kind of dragged at first, but you know, the dialogue is really sharp and the cast is all so good. And oh my God, that lead actress. There's just something about her."

"You think she's hot." Emily laughed, poking at her.

"Well, duh. Clearly. She's definitely alluring." Ali nodded. "But she's not as hot as you." She walked her fingers up Emily's arm.

"Oh, yeah?" Emily felt goosebumps popping up on her arm underneath Ali's touch.

"Mmhmm." Alison nodded. "I really like watching it with you because her relationship reminds me a lot of us. Don't you think?"

"Uh huh." Emily reached out, brushing Alison's face with her fingers.

"They're just so magnetic. The way they look at each other and smile at each other – their passion just radiates off the screen. The dance they've been doing since the first season is so...erotic." She moved closer to Emily, her lips ghosting over hers, teasing her. She couldn't wait to see if Emily caved and kissed her first.

She did. Emily felt Alison smile against her mouth. They held the kiss for a few seconds and then Alison pulled away.

"You are such a tease." Emily grinned, rolling her eyes, her hand landing on Alison's side.

"How about...for every answer you give me about the show tonight, I take off an article of clothing?"

"That should be easy enough. You're only wearing a gown and panties." Emily smiled eagerly.

Alison leaned close to her ear and whispered,

"I'm just wearing the gown, dear." She reached up and moved Emily's hand down to her exposed thigh.

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