Chapter 28: Damage Control

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Chapter 28:

Damage Control

Emily didn't say a word on the ride home. She just put her temple up against the window and stared at the road. She didn't move. She barely even blinked. Her emotional pain had rendered her completely catatonic. All Emily could think about was what Maurice had said about having to live with her grief. She couldn't imagine living with the way she felt for the rest of her life. His words about learning how to move forward struck a chord in her.

He'd told her that she had to take control of the pain before it destroyed her. But what was she supposed to do if it had already destroyed her? Her heart was broken. Her soul was empty. Grief didn't even begin to cover it. She was completely stripped of everything that made her Emily Fields. Her anguish was like the claws of a demon dragging her down into a deep abyss.

She watched as the car slowed down to a crawl as Alison pulled on to their street. The world around her seemed like it had lost its color and all of its meaning. Alison pulled the car into their driveway and shut the engine off. She looked over at Emily, who had still yet to move.

"Em, we're home." Alison gently put her hand against Emily's arm. "Hey." She tenderly rubbed her bicep.

Emily didn't respond. Alison moved her palm up to her cheek.


Still nothing. Alison sighed and climbed out of the car. She walked around to the passenger's side door and pulled it open. Emily glanced up at her, but didn't say anything. Alison reached into the car and unlatched Emily's seat belt. She leaned down until her face was a few inches away from Emily's. Emily turned her head slightly so they were facing. Alison could see the turmoil in her eyes. There was a darkness in them she'd never seen before.

Alison put her hand against Emily's face again. Her skin was hot to the touch. She looked pale and she was glistening with sweat. It's like she was sweating out a fever. Only this fever wasn't something that was going to burn out with rest and hydration.

She tucked Emily's loose hair behind her right ear, her fingers sweeping Emily's cheek. Her face was red and worn from her crying. Alison could still see the stains on her cheeks from her tears. She rubbed her thumb underneath Emily's right eye, dusting an eyelash away from her lower lid and then moved her palm back against her cheek. Emily leaned into her touch. She closed her eyes and sighed. When she opened them back up, Alison was still with her, still waiting patiently.

Alison reached down to take Emily's hand so she could encourage her to get out of the car, but stopped when she saw the blood on her knuckles. A few of the abrasions were still oozing. Alison delicately ran her fingers around the cuts.

"Come on, let's get you inside and get you cleaned up." Alison took her hand with one hand and touched her face with her other.

Emily nodded silently. She felt her body moving, though she didn't remember actively thinking she wanted to move. She was content to just sit around and wait to die. It had to be better than the poison consuming her soul. She let Alison guide her inside. She did everything she was prompted to do. When Alison walked, she walked. When Alison stopped, she stopped.

Jett approached them timidly, sensing the tension in the air. He didn't crowd them, but he stayed with them as they walked through the living room and up the stairs. He stopped at the top of the staircase and watched them walk down the hall. Alison led her into the bathroom. She lowered the toilet lid and gently pushed Emily down against it.

Alison reached into the shower and turned it on to let the water warm up. She grabbed a washcloth and held it out under the shower stream. She walked over to Emily. She delicately put one hand against Emily's cheek and then softly rubbed her other cheek with the cloth. She wiped away her sweat and the remnants of her tears. Then she repeated the motion on her other cheek. Emily stared past her, barely registering the world around her.

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