Chapter 32: Life or Death

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Chapter 32:

Life or Death

Emily stood motionless in the middle of her yard. She just wanted to bask in the glow of her father doting on her daughter. She felt the wind blowing in her hair, a quiet whisper that almost sounded like her name. She glanced back, thinking that she heard someone calling out to her. She almost walked towards the noise, but stopped at the last second. She felt caught between something, conflicted.

She turned back around towards her dad and Grace. She took a step towards them, wanting to get closer to them. She wanted to hug her father. She wanted to hold her baby again. Each step she took was increasingly harder than the last, like something was holding her back.

She looked back, and suddenly where she'd been standing seemed so far away. When she looked forward once again she saw her dad and Grace fading.

"No." She uttered.

Before she could lunge forward and start running towards them she felt something brush up against her fingers. The touch stopped her in her tracks. She'd felt those little hands on hers many times when they were crossing the street or on days she just felt like holding mommy's hand. She looked over and saw Grace standing by her side. She looked every bit as wily and spirited as the day she died.

"Mom?" She seemed confused, but happy to see her.

"Oh, Grace." Emily grabbed her and pulled her in for a hug, putting her hand against the back of her head and holding her close. She could smell a mixture of chlorine and the berry blend of her favorite shampoo. She felt Grace's arms around her, squeezing her. "I'm so sorry," she breathed quietly. "I'm sorry I couldn't save you."

"It wasn't your fault." Grace pulled back. She looked startled to hear that her mom thought that.


"No. There's nothing to be said, because it wasn't your fault."

Emily couldn't help but laugh.

"My God, you really are your mother's child."

Ali refused to let her blame herself, despite the guilt Emily had felt since it happened.

"I bet she's super pissed right now." Grace made a face.

"Hey, language..."

"She's said worse." A familiar voice said. Emily looked up and saw her father standing in front of her. "Hey, baby girl."

"Dad." She hugged him with tears in her eyes.

"Didn't think I'd see you again for a long time, kiddo." He took both of her hands in his. He looked happy to see her, but there was an undertone of sadness in his expression.

"Yeah. What happened?" Grace questioned.

"I..." Emily was ready to tell them the full story, but as soon as she opened her mouth to talk she realized she didn't know. Everything was a fog, "...I'm not sure." Her face scrunched in thought. "I don't remember. But I think..." She heard a whisper in the wind, "I think your mother and your sister were there."

"Jeeze, our family plans the worst bonding activities. Most families just play board games or go out for pizza. Do we have to go to the extreme with everything?" Grace asked in a fake dramatic fashion. She saw Emily chuckle and she laughed. "I've missed you, mom."

"I've missed you, too." Emily pulled her in for another hug. God, how she'd missed her.

"Okay, once was enough." Grace pulled back. "You're smothering me."

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