A secret confession

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Pov Bill

It's been about three full days and everything was going great. Pinetree has been acting really happy around everyone. Keyhole is being nicer to Pinetree which I'm happy about. 

Everyone is in the living room talking about random things. I walk into the room and everyone smiled at me. I'm going to stop by the mystery shack and scare them.

"Hey Bill." Will smiled.
"I'm going to be back in a few minutes." I said.
"Where are you going?" Eight-ball asked.
"I'm going to scare a few people because they're going go ruin our plans." I said.
"Can one of us come with you?" Pyroncia asked.
"No." I said.
"Why?" Paci-fire said.
"Because you'll get distracted." I said.
"We won't." Keyhole said.
"I'll be back in a few minutes, now Pinetree make sure they don't break anything." I said.
"Alright." Pinetree smiled.
"Why is in charge?" Will said.
"You guys broke the vace containing the demon inside." Pinetree said.
"I was stoned." Eight-ball said.
"You're always stoned." I said.
"Exactly." Eight-ball said.
"I'll be back bye." I said.

I left the room and heard everyone laughing and yelling. I hope my house isn't going to be destroyed when I come back.

I snapped my fingers, and I was in their kitchen. I see them eating and shooting star throws a glass of milk at me.

"Woah! Clam down Shooting star, you shouldn't be throwing away your height." I chuckled.
"Don't make me hurt you." Shooting star shouted.
"I'm so afraid of a spoon." I said.

Shooting star, Fez and Sixer just looked at me. Shooting star was on the verge of tears and I just smiled.

"Why so blue? Aren't you glad to see me?" I smiled.
"Why should I be greatfull to see the person that kidnapped my brother!" She shouted.
"I'll watch your tone with me." I said grabbing her from her shirt.
"Fuck you cipher." Shooting star spat.

I threw her across the room and smiled. Fez ran over to Shooting star while Sixer looked at me.

"What are you doing to my nephew?" Sixer said.
"Nothing to serious." I said.
"What are you doing to him." Sixer said.
"You wouldn't like it." I said.
"What would it do for us to get him back?" Fez said.
"Hahaha." I laughed.

Why would Pinetree want to come back to this dump.

"Why would he come back to this dump?" I laughed.
"This is his home, and he needs to come back." Fez said.
"He's still upset about what you guys did to him. He trusted you and you stabbed him, that's your fault." I said.
"Shut up Bill!" Shooting Star yelled.
"It's the truth." I said.

I heard footsteps and I snapped my fingers. Sixer was tied up because of my magic.

"Stan get the-"
"Too late." I said.

I tied up Fez as well and look at Shooting star. I started to squeeze them until the point they couldn't breathe.

"Stop it!" Shooting star shouted.
"You know what I really want to do?" I asked.
"Let go of them." Shooting star said.
"Maybe I should cut them up like those unicorns? You know what's better than that, making them suffer slowly and have a painful death." I smiled.
"Don't you dare!" She shouted.
"I won't because then I'll have to kill you too, but I still need you alive for my little plan." I said.
"What plan?" Shooting star said.
"To make your brother suffer even more of course." I smiled.
"Stop hurting my brother!" Shooting star shouted.
"I'm not going to do that." I said.
"What are you doing to my brother!" She shouted.

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