It's over, It's okay

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Pov Dipper.

I'm so sorry Bill, I'm so so sorry. I-I couldn't save you, I-I can't live without you Bill. I felt someone shake me and I kept ignoring it. I'll do anything for him to come back, I-I'll do anything. 


I felt someone slap me across the face and I saw this bright light. My eyes fluttered opened and I saw Stan, Ford and everyone else. 

"W-What's going on?" I said.
"Once you stepped into the room you passed out." Soos said.
"N-No, I never passed out." I said.
"You did Dipper." Wendy said.
"I-I don't remember passing out." I said.
"You walked in and you passed out." Stan said.
"No that can't be we did the cipher wheel, we almost defeated Bill, but something happened and-" 
"Mason you were physically out, but you mind was tricking you into thinking that you were still conscious the whole time." Ford said.
"N-None of it happened?" I said.
"Their is a possibility that those events won't happen Mason, it's you're mind telling you that something you don't want to hear." Ford said.
"Okay, but who slapped me?" I asked.
"Sorry Dipper." Candy said.
"It's okay." I said.

I kept looking around and we we're in the thrown room. I finally stood up and I felt dizzy. None of it happen, Bill isn't dead.

"Dipper are you okay." Worry asked.
"I'm fine, but what happened to me?" I thought.
"You're powers just told you what's going to happened." Lust told me.

"I-It was a warning." Sad said.
"It's going to happen?" I thought.
"It was a warning Dipper, you can still prevent it from happening." Happy said.
"I can?" I thought.
"Yes Dipper." Happy said.
"How?" I thought.
"Dipper, you just need to kill them all with your power. Don't be stupid you fucking idiot." Angry said.
"Thanks Angry." I thought.
"What are we going to do?" Worry said.
"I don't know." Sad said.
"Leave that to me." Lazy said.
"You?" We all said.
"I have ideas you know, I'm not lazy all the time." Lazy said.

Lazy told me to touch everyone, but Ford on the shoulder. I was confused as all hell until Lazy started to explain. 

"Once you touch everyone, but Ford you'll be able to control and kill them in a snap. When you touched someone while using your power, like you're doing right now something entered their bodies. I don't think Bill is in the room and the rest of them for some odd reason, but everything is going to out out perfect. Theirs this toxic energy that you're using in your powers that will kill them at any pace." Lazy said.
"That's all?"  I thought.
"Yes, but once Ford sees what's happening to them he'll know that you're up to this. This is where you get to have fun, you'll get to punch him and all that but make sure you knock him out."  Lazy said.
"Thanks."  I thought.

Ford finished drawing the Cipher wheel on the floor and I made a dull smile at the ground. Lazy told me that I just had to snap my fingers and everything will be done. 

"Everyone to your places." Ford said.
"I don't think so." I said.
"What do you mean?" Ford said.
"Surprise~" I smiled. 

I snapped my fingers and everyone started to cough and fall to their knees. Ford looked at everyone and went to his brother.

"Stanley!" Ford said.
"W-What's going on?" Stan coughed.
"You'll be having a slow painful death." I said.
"What did you do to them!" Ford said.
"Your plan would have never Ford, everyone has to be human." I said.

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