A sweet plan

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Pov Dipper

It's been two days since I stepped down here. It feel weird being in this world, I liked it better in the mindscape. The past two days Mabel has been with me every single day, but in a certain time she's gone for two hours.

I asked her why and she didn't tell me, but I followed her and she was having this secret meeting. I saw Ford, Stan, Mabel, Candy, Pacifica, Gideon, Soos, Wendy and Mayor Toby.

I wander what they could be talking about?

I'm in my room and I'm sitting in bed missing everyone. I heard a knock on the door and I looked at it.

"Are you gonna act scared?" Angry asked me.
"I don't really know, but I have to think of something fast." I said.
"Dipper it's me." Mabel smiled.
"C-Come in." I said.

I was hugging my knees as I saw Mabel walk in. She sits next to me and smiles at me.

"Are you ready to talk?" Mabel asked.
"Sad we need you to cry." Angry said.
"W-Why?" Sad asked.
"Just do it you baby." Angry said.
"Owe." Sad started to tear up.

Tears start to form around my eyes and Mabel hugs me.

"Dipper it's okay." Mabel said.
"Dipper just make sure she feels bad for you." Angry said.
"M-Mabel I-I can't talk about, I-It just hurts." I said.
"I'm taking you out, you haven't been outside for so long." Mabel said.

Mabel pulled me out of bed and we walked down stairs. I started to shake and Mabel opened the door.

I saw the sun and it was blinding my sight. It's been so long since I've seen the sun.

"I-It's so bright." I said.
"Let's go into town for a little Dipper." Mabel said.
"I-I'm not sure." I said.
"Come on." Mabel said.

Mabel pulled me out of the shack and we walked into town. I kept feeling this weird feeling.

"At least we're somewhere familiar." Happy said.
"I guess we are." I muttered.
"Did you say something Dipper?" Mabel asked.
"N-No." I said.
"We're gonna meet up with people." Mabel said.
"L-Like who?" That actually scares me.
"T-This isn't going to go well." Worry said.
"Gideon, Candy, Grenda, Pacifica, people that you know." Mabel said.
"T-This is bad." Worry said.
"W-Why?" I said.
"Because they were worried sick about you." Mabel said.
"Gideon worked with Bill, so that might not be a good thing." Worry said.
"Really?" I said.
"Or course they were." Mabel said.

I saw them and they all waved at me and Mabel. I waved back and they smiled.

"I-I have a bad feeling about this." Worry said.
"Why?" I mumbled.
"I'm getting this feeling too." Sad said.
"I'm getting this feeling." Lazy said.
"I'm getting it too." Happy said.
"Yeah." I muttered.
"Dipper!" They all hugged me.
"I love hugs, but please stop touching me." Happy said.
"This feels gwross." Sad said.

I don't hug any of them back because I don't like hugs as much when it comes to them. Then touching me and I don't know where they've been. They don't wanna know where I've been. Haha.

"I'm glad that your okay." Pacifica said.
"This feels sketchy." Worry said.
"R-Really?" I stuttered.
"Of course we are." Candy said.
"Let's go do something fun." Grenda said.
"O-Okay." I mumbled.
"Let's go into town and walk around the place first." Gideon said.
"That's a great start." Mabel said.

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