You and Me

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Pov Dipper
(Hehe... Their going to have some fun~)

My final afternoon here with them and everyone has been working so hard. We still need to do final touches on a few things, then we're done.

I'm working on a few things and it's stressing me out. Everyone is just trying to get this done, so the stress would stop.

"Dipper have you seen the-" Will said.
"On the table kitchen." I said.

While Will left Pyroncia came in.

"Where's the blue prints for the-"
"In the third living room in the bookshelf, if it's not their it's on the table in that room." I said.
"Thanks." Pyronica said.

Pyronica left and Paci-fire with Eight-ball came in.

"Where do the bombs for the bunker go?" Paci-fire asked.
"Do you know where the powder for the shield went? I was suppose to put it in a certain place." Eight-ball said.
"The bombs for the bunker goes in the safe that Bill has and the powder is with the jars are." I said.
"Thanks." They both said.

They both left and Keyhole came in dropping off something.

"I'm finished with this one." I said.
"Alright and we need these one looked over as well because we don't know if the math is right." Keyhole said.
"Alright." I said.
"Thanks, I'll take this from you." Keyhole said taking the finished ones.

He left and I looked at the blue prints for our plan. This one was a trap for my family in case something goes wrong.

"Yo... What's up."
"You must be another voice of mines because you sound different from the happy and bitchy one." I said.
"Yeah Happy and Angry can be annoying, but too lazy to get into details."
"I guess you must be my laziness." I said.
"You bet.... I know you REALLY don't want to do this. I don't blame you, it's boring."
"It is and I'm so stressed about everything." I said.
"Worried that you'll mess up?"
"Of course I am, I feel like I might mess up." I sighed.
"I don't know who you need."
"Who do I need another voice?"
"Great... You left me." I groaned.

I quickly checked the math and everything that needed to be checked. I took the papers and went to find Keyhole.

I found them all sitting down on the couch just their. They all died.

"Keyhole I have all the papers." I said.
"Alright." He said.
"Why is everyone sitting down and look dead?" I asked.
"We finished our duties so we're going to sit here until something happens." Pyronica said.
"Is this with everyone?" I asked.
"Yeah." Paci-fire, Keyhole, Eight-ball and Will said.
"Alright." I said.
"These are all the papers right?" Keyhole asked.
"Yeah and have you've seen Bill?" I asked.
"He's in the fourth living room." Paci-fire said.
"Alright." I said.

I have the papers to Keyhole and started to walk to the living room.

"You must be another voice." I said.
"You bet baby~"
"You have a sassy touch." I said.
"I do sweetie."
"And which amazing emotion or feeling are you?"
"I'm hurt that you can't tell which am I."
"I really can't tell because I've only meant three of my voices not including you." I said.
"I'm the reason why you have those types of thoughts."
"Y-You're my lust?" I stuttered.
"There you go!"
"Why are you talking to me? I-I'm not even thinking like that at all." I said.
"Well honey, this is your last day here because you leave in the morning."
"S-So what." I said.
"Well you could maybe pull a few strings and call daddy over to give you a little something something."
"Ugh!" I blushed a bright red.
"The way you said a certain word." I said.
"Honey, sweetie, baby, let's just walk over their and see what daddy can do."
"Can you stop calling him that please." I said.
"You were the one that moaned daddy to him. I made you moan but I didn't make you say that."
"I really hate you." I said.
"You love me, but let's go see him."
"He's probably still working since everyone but him is their. He's probably stress as well." I said.
"Well a little eye candy would fix that. If you know what mean."
"I-I get it." I said.
"Now I'll let you be you because I now what daddy wants and that's you."
"Stop it." I blushed.
"Just teasing."
"Well stop it." I said.
"Alright, Alright, just go."
"You better not say anything because I will talk back." I said.
"He's fucking hot Dipper, like you thought earlier in the summer. You wouldn't mind being under that~"
"Shut up." I groaned.
"What he's fucking hot."
"Stop it." I said.
"He has a FINE looking body."
"Leave." I said.
"Fine, but you know where to find me."

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