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{ " he didn't walk up with that 'how you doin'?' " -- havana, camila cabello, 2018 }

"Would you like to explain to me what you were doing on the back of Honeybee Morgan's motorcycle? And why you were having milkshakes with her? When you told me you were studying?" Veronica demanded as she and her boyfriend stood in the Andrews family home.

"Well, I was studying. With Honeybee. She's going to be my tutor. And then, to thank her, since I'm not paying her, I said I would buy her a milkshake. And we got from school to Pop's on her motorcycle." Archie was surprised at Veronica's outburst, and if he was being honest, upset that she was being so harsh towards Honeybee. "Listen, Ronnie, whatever you think is going on between Honeybee and I ... nothing is going on. You're being irrational."

"I'm being irrational?" Veronica scoffed. "Do you see the way she walks around school, Archie? Flaunting herself at every guy? But of course, she spends the most time on you, and you're oblivious. You know, I heard that she and Reggie hooked up this summer."

Archie shrugged his shoulders and rolled his eyes. "Good for them!" He threw his hands up, perplexed by the situation. In his mind, he didn't see the problem that Veronica did.

Veronica shook her head as she stared at her boyfriend. "I cannot believe you. I'm going home. When you come around and realize what is going on in this situation, Archie, I will be ready to accept your apology." She gave him a fake smile and then grabbed her purse.

"I have nothing to apologize for! I haven't done anything bad!" He shouted as the Lodge girl left, slamming the house door behind her. Archie groaned and found his phone, sending a text to Jughead. He needed some guy time with his best friend.


On the other side of town, a plan was brewing at the Whyte Worm. The Serpent stirring the pot? Honeybee Morgan herself.

"So that's your great plan, Honeybee?" Sweet Pea looked at his sister with a raised eyebrow. "Since we can't wear our jackets to school, you want us to go naked?"

Evie rolled her eyes and shook her head. "No, not naked. That would get us in trouble for public indecency. Tomorrow, every single one of us is going to walk into school breaking the dress code."

"The dress code? Come on, Honeybee, how is this going to do anything?" Fangs shouted from the back.

"Think about it, Fangs." Evie strolled casually to a bar stool, seating herself in front of all of the group. She took her jacket off, revealing the revealing tank top she had on underneath. It had very thin straps and showcased enough cleavage to get her in trouble. "Maybe something like this is all we own besides our jackets. I think they'd rather have us covered in leather than barely covered at all." She climbed up on the stool so that she was standing, and then pulled off her jeans, revealing a pair of homemade Daisy Dukes.

"Whoa whoa!" Sweet Pea rushed to the front of the group, throwing his own jacket at Evie. "I will not have my sister walking around like a damn hooker, thanks."

Evie rolled her eyes as Sweet Pea climbed up next to her, sliding his jacket on her shoulders. It was larger than her own jacket, and it covered the bottom of her shorty shorts.

"Would you relax? They all saw worse from my Serpent initiation." She hissed to her brother. "I'm trying to rile them up. Get them under my plan."

"Yeah, well, I don't see how this is going to get us anywhere. What if they don't care? And what are the guys going to wear?" Sweet Pea asked.

"Guys!" She called out. "Girls, I think you know what we're wearing tomorrow ..." She glanced at Toni, who shot her a big thumbs up. "And guys, I have something for you." She ducked behind the bar, bringing out a box of ripped, oversized, saggy jeans. "Make sure you wear your flashiest boxers tomorrow, and your tightest, holiest t-shirts."

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