xxxiv. same b*tches

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Kezie: I have some teaaaaa fayouuuuu

Asmaa stares excitedly at this text as she and Yara leave the Dickinson Poon School of Law. They've just turned in their dissertations for the term and now, winter break can officially start.

Yay, her.

Just two more terms to go.

And girl was that close to being an international lawyer.

She texts Kezie back.

Meet me at the lot I can't waiiiiiittttt

"Now that we can breathe again," Yara begins with a laugh, "what're your plans for break?"


"Because I was thinking," she grins excitedly, "since neither of us celebrates Christmas or any of that, we can have our own celebration somewhere else, right? Like, we go to dinner or go out, or...I dunno," she shrugs, "Something?"

"Oh, Yara," Asmaa frowns, "that sounds lovely but," she frowns again, "m'kinda doing exactly that for the holiday except," she grins, shrugging, "I'll be with Zayn."


She nods, "My boyfriend."

"Oh. Oh!" Minuyara blinks with knowing, "The one I've seen you with...tattoos, motorcycle, blonde hair..."

"Sounds like the one," Asmaa grins. "Sounds like Zayn."

"Gosh," Yara sighs, "I had no idea that was your actual boyfriend."

Asmaa laughs, "He'd probably be a bit offended to know I'm so busy studying, I don't talk about him with my law friends."

Yara giggles, "You're the only one I share anything remotely personal with, so he shouldn't be so offended," they walk through the quad towards the lot, "And for the record, you two are a beautiful couple. Your babies?" Minuyara sighs as Asmaa blushes heavily, "heartbreakers."

"We should double-date sometime," Asmaa says, causing Minuyara to snort aloud. "Me and Zayn with you and--"

"Who, Asmaa?"

"That co-worker you're always on about," she grins slyly, "The one who's super smart and loves math you pretend not to have a thing for?"

"Asmaa!" Yara chokes, "I--I don't!"


"I don't! We're--we're work friends, just..." She nudges her. "Not even friend-friends. Just...Asmaa, just no!"


"I..." She looks away, "...might be..."

Asmaa squeals.

"Anyway," Yara clears her throat, a deep blush tinting her brown skin. "Anyway," she clears her throat, "speaking of that co-worker, turns out he says he knows you."

"What?" Asmaa laughs. "What'cha saying about me, girl?"

"I was saying," Minuyara shakes her head, "that you were amazing and should work with us...Google's releasing their intern list in a few weeks, just so you know."

"Really?" Asmaa perks. "My friend and I both applied, so fingers crossed."

"Well, that's what we were talking about, actually. I said you were a shoe-in and he asked me who you were and what your name was and blah blah blah..."

Asmaa nods. "Right."

"And he says he knows you."

"Excuse me?" Asmaa exclaims, "He does?"

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