Chapter 3~ Reunited

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Mwa haha the reuniting is complete! You are welcome to give feedback, anything as you wish :)


I'm so excited right now...


Eleanor’s POV

I stood in front of the large glass mirror, analyzing my figure in the reflection. My palms were beginning to dampen, and I could feel my heart beating in my chest. I couldn’t believe what I was going to be in the same room as my ex-boyfriend, along with twenty thousand other screaming girls. I had to be in the same room as someone who left me, and he never tried to reach me.

It confused me that he said he loved me, but never made the effort to find me. Once the fame hit I was gone from his life, including Stratford. He made it seem like a brush off the shoulder, easy and breezy to recover. Clearly I didn’t get that memo. I never felt the same with Ryan, making it harder to forget, and open for the new.

I heard a knock on the door, and I snapped my eyes from my thoughts, refocusing myself on the world. The future, that didn’t revolve around him. I was over him, I was with Ryan. My past was burned like an old tape, and I had a new film, and a new life waiting to be recorded.

“I can’t believe you got tickets, this is the best day ever! You know you made my life right?” Chantelle squealed, bursting open the door. I let out a laugh, a relief struck over me. At least this girl can get my mind off it. The depression slipped through my veins, fading until the emotion was gone, leaving me as myself again. Me, myself, and I.

“I know, I’m one amazing friend” I smirked, grabbing my purse. I was so happy I could get her to see her forever crush, but the bitterness still rotted in the back of my mind, clawing to set free.

“You are! Now how good are the seats,” her voice still held the squeal, as we walked down the long porch to the driveway. We faced the sunset directly, giving me no choice but to put on my 3D look-a-like shades.

I left my hair down, not worrying to style it. I left it natural, because that’s what I always believed as true beauty. My strands of hair were loose ringlets that swirled down my back until my mid back. I wore an off-shoulder t-shirt that was loose all around, going for the casual look. It had a simple flower pattern that plastered the entire shirt, leaving only peeks of white.

I wore light shaded jeans that went for the wear-and-tear fashion. The colour was purposely faded in areas, and ripped in the higher thigh and low knee.

Chantelle had a more elegant edge, wearing a sleeveless dress the flowed down her narrow body, touching the peeks of her knees. She had a thin belt surrounding her hips, going for the colourstream of blue. It looked beautiful on her, and how it corresponded with her ocean blue eyes, that glowed on any day.

As we got to the car, I walked to the passenger side of Chantelle’s Civic Honda, and held my one shouldered purse in my lap. I began to smuggle through my bag, searching for an answer to her question. I felt the tickets brush between my fingers, and I got a firm grip pulling it out of the darkness that my purse contained. I searched the small writing, trying to get any clues of the level of seats they were.

“Okay, uh, ground level, fifteenth row.” My eyes bulged as I read the piece of information, and I turned to face Chantelle, who held a similar expression.

“Oh my, oh my gosh, do you know how close I’m going to be to him?” Her mouth dropped, and a grin spread across my face. She was beyond bewildment, any expression could tell.

“Hey watch out, you have a boyfriend,” I said with a hint of sass, giving her the look of ‘watch it’. I was playing with her, but her reply would definitely be funny.

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