I open my eyes and see my brother walking around the room. i turn my head and see my dads eating something. i notice all the walls are white. the bed has blue and white blankets, im in the hospital.
"Ty?" i try to say but my voice is so small.
"Cali!" taylor yells and runs to my bedside."How long have i been here? What happend?" i asked quickly.
"You've been here for a day and a half. And you had panic attack while you where packing up your room." Ty explaind and gave me a big hug."Where's Aston and Lily?" i asked and Taylor gave me my phone. i had 5 unread messages.
From Lily-
Txt me when u're awake!
hope u're okay
wake up soon!!
To Lily-
hey im up!
From Aston-
hey sweetie :)
wake up sunshine!
To Aston-
im awake!!
5 minutes later the doctor walked in and said that i could go home. Ty brought me clothes and my make-up kit. after i changed Kev said we had to stop at best buy on the way home.
when we got to to Best Buy my dads went to the phone area and me and ty walked to flip cameras and stuff like that. I saw one hand held flip camera that i really liked. while i was looking at it Jason came up to me and handed me the new samsunge5 thats water proof! "Thank you so much!!!" i said and gave him a big hug.
"Come on lets go get it set up with your old number," he said and we walked over to the cell phone stand. Once i got my new phone i huged my dads and walked back to the flipcam. "You want that camera, dont you." Taylor said as he picked it up. "Yes. i was thinking i could start making youtube videos once we move to California!" i said with a big smile, then i realized Kev and Jason would never get it for me, my smile quickly faded.
"If you want the camera, we will buy it for you honney!" Kevin said with a smile.
"Yeah, it would be like you're following in our foot steps!" Jason said while laughing.
I thanked them again as they payed for the camera. When we got home i carefully packed up my camera and got my headphones from my make-shift bed. i packed a small bag for the plain. my headphones, phone charger, TFIOS, my wallet, and some goldfish crackers.
after dinner i fell asleep. Tomorrow, we leave for california.

Youtubers (Sam Pottorff)
FanfictionCali is 15 and has just moved to California from Texas. She thought her life was over once her dad spilled the news. She ends up living next to the O2L boys, and they help her make youtube videos. She starts having panic attacks and is in the hospit...