Chapter 8

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I woke up to someone muttering "Happy Birthday" softly in my ear.

I thought it was Taylor so i just pulled the covers over my head.

But then they were pulled down and the guy kissed me on the cheek...

I opened one eye and it was sam!!

I smiled and gave him a big hug. Then i realized i had no make-up on so i covered my face.

" Cali Kitty, dont hide. i want to see your face!" Sam said in a baby voice that made me laugh.

"Why?" i asked still covering my face.

Soon Sam was pulling my hands away from my face and i let him.

"Because you're perfect." He said with a goofy smile, that only made my smile grow bigger.

Okay, yeah i might have a small crush on Sam But i think he doesn't like me the same way.

"Let's just lay here for a while." Sam said and i nodded my head in agreement.

I get the remote to my tv and turn on cartoons. As me and Sam are sitting there i realize he is the only one who has said happy birthday to me. I can hear Taylor and my dad's talk about him meeting a new friend.

Sam puts his arm around my shoulders and i rest me head on his shoulder.

"Shizz!" I say as i start to get up. but Sam pulls me back down.

"What is it?" He asks while pulling me to him.

"I need to take my pills." I reply looking down.

"Hey, it's okay. Don't be ashamed. Do you want to know me secret?" He asks while rubbing my back.

"Yes," I say softly.

Sam takes a deep breath than looks at me and begins," I-i have depression too.." He trails on and i give him a big hug.

"I will go get your pills." He says getting up.

Im sitting on my bed 5 minutes later still waiting on Sam. i got bored so i walked to the living room.

As i walk in everyone screams happy birthday and jump up from their hiding places.

I run over to Taylor and give him a big hug as my thank you.

The o2l boys are her, Tyler Oakley, and the MAGCON boys.

I talked to the magcon boys for a little and got all their numbers. Sam looked a little mad so i went to talk with him for a little.

After awhile Sam was good again and we were all eating lunch and telling jokes.

As I opened my gifts, i thanked everyone.

I mostly got money or iTunes gift cards.

But there was no gift from Sam...

After I thanked everyone i pulled Sam into the game room.

"How come you didnt get me a gift?" As i said it i could feel the depression kicking in. Sam noticed and gave me a big hug and a kiss on the top of my head.

"Okay, first, for my gift i'm taking you somewhere later tonight. I already asked if its cool with ur dads and taylor. Second, did you ever take your pill this morning?" he asks looking in my eyes.

I shake my head no and he walks with me to the bathroom.

He opens the Medicean cabinet and grabs the bottle with my pills in it. i take two and put the pill bottle back.

"I going to pee real quick." Sam says as i close the door behind me.

I wait for him in my room. A few minutes later he comes in and we start to cuddle.

My eyes slowly start to close and soon im a sleep.


I walk out of the bathroom after i pee and start to cuddle with Cali. Soon she falls asleep as i play with her hair.

Her brother walks in and i point to Cali so he knows to be quiet. He walked over to her desk chair and sits down.

"I trust you Sam. Don't lose my trust. please dont hurt my lil sis." He says starting to get teary eyed.

I nod my head as i slowly fall asleep too.

Before i fall asleep, all i can think about is how tonight will go and end.

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