Chapter 1

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My name is Shantelle Mathews i am not your everyday girl you see in college, i have goals and ambitions. I study at Green Cage College with my brother Shaun Mathews who happens to be the captain of the football team. We stay with our mom Caitlyn Anderson in the suburbs of Florida, she owns chains of hotels and apartments. My Dad Donovan Mathews divorced my mom, he is always travelling and he is the Senator we get to see him once in a while. Everyday i think about the future i wonder if it's really worth living for, each day it's different some days I am confident other days i am unsure but i know better days are yet to come.
"Shantelle, Shantelle", my bestfriend Elena Whitley came shouting my name. I guess i had zoned out completely.
Yes Ella, what are you upto? You know i ran into your crush Mitch, apparently he was going for practice with Shaun, he said hi and that you always shy away from him.
Shut up Shan, you know someone could hear you but are you serious he talked about me. Don't make me happy for nothing.
Yes he did and with a huge grin i guess he is starting to like you, from my perspective you guys would make a really cute couple i am literally picturing you two together.
Ohhh my bestest you have really made my day but do you think he knows i have always had a crush on him? I wouldn't want him to think i am a stalker though i am hahaha right?
I am not really sure babe but i think he kind of knows remember i let it slip out of my mouth one time to Shaun and those two practically tell themselves everything. But it's not like he's a bad guy that would make fun of you, you're a great person and beautiful i am sure Mitch knows that.
" What are my two favorite ladies talking about?"
Tyler, you scared the shit out of me and how much did you hear of our talk you smartass?
Sorry beautiful, can't i get some alone time with my girlfriend anymore, it seems Ella keeps you away from me. About your girly talk don't worry my lips are closed, Tyler says.
Not again, let me leave you lovebirds, see you at lunch Shan, see you around Ty, Elena points out.
How was practice handsome? I passed by there but you were too occupied, i didn't want to interrupt your guy time.
Sorry about that princess but you know i would drop anything for you next time don't leave without a kiss. Practice was great though i just don't get why Dylan is still on the team all he does is talk but he sucks at the game, Tyler stresses out.
For real Tyler you have to cut the guy some slack he is new and trying his best to fit in, i am sure he will do better in the future and stop teasing or doing pranks on him.
Okay i chill but i don't promise anything, are you up for Mitch's party tomorrow night? Please baby let's go you know i would be bored without you, Tyler says.
Hmmmmm let me think about it i love when you beg me with those sexy blue eyes, i am in though i won't stay for long since parties are not my thing.
Great babe i can't wait let's head to class now so i will see you at lunch. I like it when you kiss me like that but we shall continue this later, Tyler said.
Today's lesson we are learning about Devaluation i hope you all did the research on it, Miss Helena our Economics teacher went on but i had already zoned out. Me, Klaus, Jack and Serena were tapping ourselves and playing when we heard our names being called.
Since you four decided to turn my class into a playground, get out i will meet you in detention and i won't accept such behaviour next time, Miss Helena said.

Klaus this is your fault you couldn't stop poking me from behind , for all the time i had been in school i had never been to detention. My mom won't like this if she gets to hear about it, don't give me those eyes guys.
But you know Shan is right i mean she was paying attention when you constantly continued poking her, Serena pointed out.
Okay guys i am sorry but it's just detention not a death sentence at least we got rid of that boring lesson. You all should be thanking me instead of pointing daggers my way, Klaus said.
Well you heard Klaus, what do you think we should do guys? Jack asked. I am thinking we play "would you rather", anyone up for it because we can't be idle till the time is up.
Me i am in , and me too we all chorused. Great so who plays first or we choose partners since we are four, Jack said.
I go with Shan, Klaus said. I guess Jack you play with Serena then.
Me and Klaus are going first so we start but no hard questions guys.
Shantelle, would you rather be in detention or the drama club? Serena asked.
Even though i don't like being here, i would rather be in detention, drama isn't for me haha i can't risk.
For a moment there i thought she would pick the drama club , Klaus said.
Klaus would you rather kiss Shantelle or give her a hug? Jack asked.
I would rather kiss those luscious lips of Shan, no hard feelings Shantelle you know i have always liked you, Klaus said.
Huh i ship Klaus and Shan, Serena said. What do you think Jack?
No, i wouldn't say that, you know walls have ears and i don't want to be in Tyler's bad books. You know man, you don't stand a chance with her, Jack pointed out.
Guys stop it i am here you know, Klaus knows my stand on this, i love Tyler so you guys are next.
Serena would you rather have a one night stand with Mitch Pierce or go out with Jack? Klaus asked.
Well i would choose the one night stand with Mitch again and again, he's got a sexy pair of eyes and a hot body no offence Jack, Serena said.
Ouch man, Jack your game must suck too bad for Serena to choose that loser, Klaus said.
Cut it out bro, you know i am not as popular as him but i know i have good looks, check me out guys, Jack went on.
Next please i am dozing hahahaha, Serena said.
Jack would you rather date Sasha the slut or have a fling with our Economics teacher.
Well Shan, that question is pretty hard but i would rather bang our teacher hehehe wow i am thinking of it now that ass of hers on top of me, Jack said.
Eeeeeeeeww stop it Jack you're disgusting and i didn't know you were into older women, goodness Serena said.
I see you all are entertaining yourselves, detention is done, Shantelle i want to see you in my office after school, Miss Helena said.
Okay madam i will be there and we are sorry for misbehaving in your class.
See you guys later, this was so fun indeed, Jack you were right.
Huh i see someone is getting into trouble one of these days, i heard what happened and i came to see if you're alright, Elena said.
I am sure my sister can handle herself, right sis? Meanwhile mom shouldn't hear about this, you know how she gets with such situations, Shaun said.
Yeah right can you two stop it i am a big girl and Shaun don't you dare tell mom anything, you know i have your secrets. How's Trisha though?
Hahaha okay young miss you know you're my only sister, i can't tell on you. Trisha is great we are doing awesome and i am going out for dinner with her parents today wish me luck, Shaun said.
Did i hear you right? The jock of the school Shaun Mathews wants luck that's new, Elena said while laughing.
Elena stop being sarcastic on me, you better be brave and open up your feelings for Mitch before Sasha succeeds in getting his heart, you two are really crazy, Shaun said.
Ouch that actually hurt, you know i don't stand a chance with him, you see the girls he goes out with the likes of Sasha and i can't compete with that, Elena said.
Okay Shaun off you go me and my bestest need to talk and you know you can handle that dinner well i trust you.
Alright ladies see you soon and thanks sis i appreciate, Shaun said.
So Ella, are you coming to Mitch's party tomorrow night at his mansion?
I guess so girlfriend though Sasha will be there i really hate confrontations and that girl pushes my buttons but i will come so i will see you at your place at 6pm then we go, Elena said.
Well don't worry about her and her fake looks Mitch doesn't even like her but she doesn't get it, Tyler will pick us up at 7pm though i will leave the party early. But you will have to stay and have fun, you know to give me updates about the party.
Oh if you say so Shan i just don't get why he allows her bullshit, huh sneaky much you want to know about the party but you won't stay till the end. I think you're so uptight and life is not all about principles. When did you last do something spontaneous? Elena said.
Uhhhhhhm last month i guess but that's me i am not that kind of adventurous person and i have fun in my own way. Tyler and you really don't get me sometimes i have priorities that matter more to me.
Okay miss priorities we get you but i am going to make sure you let your guard down abit and have so much fun you have never had in a long time, Elena pointed out.
Hahaha Ella let's wait and see you try, see you later i have to go for my last session for the day. Meet you in the hall after class.
Alright Shan i will be in the library reviewing for the upcoming exams i have spare, so long, Elena said.
Serena can we share your textbook? I forgot mine in detention, i hope it's not a bother.
No problem Shan and we are friends why would it be a bother , come on, Serena said.
Thanks sweetheart, i thought i was going to be thrown out of class , you know how Mr. Eden is so strict and i suck at this subject.
You're not alone, personally i think this guy has no family he's always grumbling, so tough but i will help you i am not that bad in his subject, Serena said.
Well class today i am leaving an assignment on Quadratic equations and i need everyone to be done with it by Monday am i clear, Mr. Eden said.
Yes Sir the whole class chorused.
Like seriously today he just didn't feel like teaching but i don't really have a clue on equations, Shan will you help me, Klaus pointed out.
Well that's Shan's specialty the genius when it comes to equations, Serena said.
Oh sure though on Sunday because tomorrow i am going to Mitch's party, i hope it's okay with you.
Perfect i will be there at your place on Sunday morning and you will tell me everything about the party. I can't come me and my mother have plans, Klaus said.
Ohh okay mommy's boy, i will update you though i won't stay for long.
Shan don't say that i am not a mommy's boy, i just love spending time with her with everything that is happening to her, see you later Shan, Klaus said.
Ella, Elena where are you? There you are did you hear me shout your name. Sorry i delayed Miss Helena wanted to talk to me after school and ran into Sasha and her groupies, you know she's so shameless she asked me if you had finally disappeared from the face of the earth and we got into a fight.
WHAT! I swear i will kill that girl one day, she's testing me i am sorry you got involved and thanks for standing up for me i love you Shan, Elena said.
No killing anyone please just keep ignoring her she will get tired with time but i hit her hard so it's all good and i love you more, don't thank me i am sure you would have done the same for me. Let's go shopping for tomorrow's party, you're in?
Okay bunny if you say so i will do my best though no promises, obviously i am in i thought you would never ask let's go shopping. I need to buy something that will make me stand out maybe Mitch might get the guts to approach me or not, Elena said.
Huh? I smell love and persistence in the air, though sweetheart i don't think you need to wear something nice for someone to notice you, you're beautiful in and out. So don't think like that , let's go soak ourselves in shopping.
Easy to say Tyler's girl but i will think about what you said another time for now i am in shopping mode, did you drive to school or you came with Shaun, Elena said.
I came with Shaun my car got a problem it's at the mechanics.
No problem let's go with mine, i will drop you home after, Elena said.

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