Chapter 3

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Shan, Shan i am here, where are you? Elena asked.
I'm up here girlfriend, come to my room i even thought we were under attack haha.
Very funny, anyway let me dress up while you get done with your shower, Elena said.
Okay i will be out in a bit help me lay my dress on the bed, thanks Ella.
Alright it is nothing babe just get out already, Elena said.
Wow you look elegant and beautiful Ella, you're going to turn lots of heads tonight, i hope your crush is one of them.
Haha thanks Shan i hope so too you better get ready though Tyler will be here in 30 minutes i don't want us to be late, Elena said.
Hmm someone is in a mood, what is going on? You're okay? You sound tense, if it's about Mitch you got this don't worry.
I know, you're right i am just anxious and worried a bit, you know how long i have pinned for Mitch, i hope it is all worth it in the end, Elena said.
Hey, look at me Ella, you're so beautiful a guy would be blind not to notice that, you give yourself too little credit sometimes. No sulking or thinking you're not enough you're good enough and any guy would be lucky to have you.
Thanks babe, wow turn around you look hot and breathtaking, Tyler really has it coming tonight, Elena said.
Haha well that's the whole point Ella, thanks though how much time do we have left?
"Peep, Peep, Peep" the car outside signalled the arrival of our ride.
Well you heard that, we have no time left Tyler is here let's go, don't forget your coat, Elena said.
Okay get going and keep him busy down, i am coming in a second.
Cool, be snappy though we are late already, Elena said.
You look great Ella i am sure tonight you may get lucky with some handsome guy me excluded obviously i have eyes only for my princess, Tyler said.
Thanks it is going to be a great night and who says i would have eyes for you, you never get tired of being a jerk do you? I'm in the car, Elena said.
Wow, wow , Shan you look really beautiful and breathtaking, my legs couldn't move an inch when i saw you, if it were up to me i would cancel going to the party and we go out for a date my love, Tyler said.
Thanks love you just love making me blush, you look great yourself, shall we?
Oh yes my lady, let's go Ella must be wondering what we are up to, Tyler said.
I thought you guys were never going to show up, let's go already Elena said.
Haha relax Ella it is a 30 minutes drive to the party, we will be there in no time, let's all just have fun tonight.
Obviously babe only fun and excitement is on our agenda today haha, Elena said.
Ladies, we are here the place is already packed though, we came at the right time for the grand entrance, Tyler said.
You're right let's enjoy and have a good time , the party already started.

I feel like the luckiest guy here, all eyes are on us and that is expected since i am walking between two beautiful ladies, Tyler said.
Oh not again Tyler i only accepted to do this because i didn't want to walk in alone so be a gentleman and shut up, Elena said.
You two should stop it, i am enjoying the moment we all look like celebrities, we sure do look elegant.
I know Shan finally we are here, i am sorry about what i said earlier, Elena said.
Let me get you both drinks, wait for me here i will be snappy, Tyler said.
Thanks love you know what we like. Ella this is some lovely party, the music is lit.
True it is i didn't expect it to be this fun it seems Mitch knows how to plan a great party, Elena said.
Speaking of the devil, he's coming this way i guess your look did do the magic haha.
Like Mitch? Oh Gosh do i look fine? Is my makeup okay? Elena stressed out.
Yeah you look amazing no worries and in a minute he's going to be here.
Shantelle and Elena right? You're welcome to my party, i couldn't help it but come and talk to the most beautiful ladies tonight, Mitch said.
Thanks Mitch, nice party me and Elena are happy to be here right Ella?
Oh yes we are, thanks for the invite it is a great party, Elena said.
I'm glad you like it already, Shantelle is it okay if i talk to Elena for sometime? Mitch asked.
Baby i have been looking for you, you left us to talk to this trash, let's go back and have fun, Sasha interjected.
Excuse me, let me make this extra clear to you for the last time, i am not your baby, we only hooked up once and it was a mistake i don't make the same mistake twice and don't you dare call my guests trash again or else you will face my wrath now leave, Mitch shouted.
You can't do this to me not in front of everyone, please don't get rid of me i love you Mitch, people are watching us, Sasha said.
I said leave me the hell alone i can't and will never love such a person as you, do you ever look in the mirror i think it is you who's trash not Elena and Shantelle, get out before i lose the little patience i have left, Mitch said.
So you're choosing this bitch Elena over me okay we shall see, this is not over till i say it is just watch your back, Sasha said.
Elena, Shantelle, i am sorry about that and everything she said , don't pay attention to any words she said , Mitch pointed out.
It is okay we get it but next time if she ever opens her mouth to provoke me or Elena we won't just look on we can fight too.
I understand it won't happen again, Shan as i was saying before i was interrupted can i borrow Elena from you for a minute, Mitch said.
Yes it is okay, you can have her all night, i don't mind you guys have fun.
Shan, seriously you're getting rid of me that easily i hate you, Elena said.
Haha not really babe, go have fun, i will be here with Tyler and use protection in case you know haha i love you.
Okay then shall we? I can call you Ella right? Mitch said.
Yeah if you want, it is weird this is the first time we are talking yet we have been in the same school since  forever and we have mutual friends, Elena said.
You have a nice name Ella, well believe it or not i was always afraid to approach you, i thought you would call me a jerk and tell me to get lost if i ever tried talking to you, Mitch said.
Thanks Mitch, What?? You can't be serious, i don't see you as the kind to get scared, i would never do that to you, i thought you found me unattractive and not worth talking to, Elena said.
You're welcome Ella, yes i am serious i tried a couple of times to talk to you but the fear of rejection always won till today, why would you even think of that? You're so beautiful Elena, you have always been on my mind since the first time i saw you, only Shaun knew about my crush on you, Mitch said.
Shan, i got our drinks, where is Elena? I'm sorry i took long, there were many people, Tyler said.
Thanks Ty, Elena is with Mitch, immediately you left, he came for her, i really want to dance.
Huh i didn't see that coming, Mitch and Ella that is nice though, let's dance then my love, anything for you, Tyler said.
I feel so warm and nice whenever i am in your arms, i love you handsome, i found my other piece the day i met you.
I will always love you princess i still remember the first time i met you, with your beautiful smile, i just knew you were my soulmate and i know one day you will be mine, Tyler said.
All i remember was some jerk following me everywhere so that i can give him a chance haha but something about you made me say yes to you and i am glad i did. It was the small things you did, the effort you put and above all the persistence i knew i had found the one.
I love this song "I want you by Luke James" babe our song, i like this part listen princess;
Before i met you girl
I never knew my heart could dance
I was just a broken record of one night stands
Until you came along with your beautiful soul
You saved me
And now the funny thing about it, there's no melody without it
I found music when i found you
So hear me when i say
I want you baby
Oh oh oh oh oh
I want you baby
Oh oh oh oh oh, Tyler sang sweetly.
It is my turn now handsome, my part goes like;
See i have waited all my life
For someone like you
For someone like you
And nobody, nobody
Else will do because
I want you baby
Oh oh oh oh oh
I want you baby
Oh oh oh oh oh
Nobody but you.
Whenever i hear you sing, my heart skips a bit, i love you so much Shan, our love is forever please never let me go, Tyler said.
Aww thanks babe, i will never let you go my love, you're a constant in my life. Our drinks are done, we should go and get more.
Okay beautiful, let's get what to eat too i am hungry i know you're hungry i heard your stomach grumble a while back, Tyler said.
Who do we have here? The so called power couple all acting so in love, though what you have won't last, Chloe Benson one of Sasha's groupies said sarcastically.
Ohh Gosh, not now, of all the people to bump into, why the most unserious person in our school, you're looking for new species to feast on? I hope you don't infect anyone during your mission Chloe.
Shut up bitch, you know nothing about me just because you're dating one of the most handsome guys doesn't give you the right to insult me, Chloe said.
Oh and being Sasha's dog gives you the right to put your nose where it doesn't belong, just stay away from us end of story.
You heard her Chloe, haven't you slept with almost the whole College guys, you don't deserve our time get lost, Tyler said.
Okay cool you can go, you both will regret saying all that shit to me, just wait Chloe said.
Blah, Blah, Oh Chloe we are shaking and scared, bullshit, your empty threats don't scare us one bit so get a life instead of being Sasha's dog.
Nice one babe, you really put her in her place, my brave princess that is why i love you, Tyler said.
Though i feel like i over did it, sometimes circumstances force people to do foolish stuff to survive, i am not that kind of person i hope she didn't take it personal.
Babe, don't mind her i am sure she knows you were bluffing, this party is really massive, should we go play some games, i see beer pong, truth or dare, cards, Tyler said.
If you say so handsome, no you go ahead i need to use the bathroom i will find you there, i see Shaun there too.
Okay don't take too long and be careful guys are already drunk, take the stairs, to the left are the restrooms, Tyler said.
Thanks love, i will be fine don't worry i can protect myself i didn't take too much alcohol.
Ella, i thought i wasn't going to see you the whole night, how is it going with Mitch?
Well, you were right Shan, Mitch couldn't take his eyes off me, we are really getting along it is like we have known each other for a long time there's a connection, Elena said.
Haha i am always right, anyway i am happy for you Ella, finally i see the smile you're happy but take things slow, i don't want you to be hurt.
Haha, thanks Shan, yeah i know we actually talked about that too, he wants us to hangout and get to know each other more, Elena said.
Ella, things are finally working out for you, the guy of your dreams finally got the guts to ask you out, i will tell Tyler the good news. I will see you tomorrow, i feel famished i want to go home.
I know girlfriend the stars are in my favour at last haha, Shan it is just midnight stay a little longer, the fun has just begun and look at Tyler he's having fun, Elena said.
You know me Ella, midnight is as far as i can go, i wish i could stay longer maybe next time, help me tell Tyler i am going home.
Okay Shan let me go tell him though i am still enjoying it is gonna be a long night haha, goodnight and i will see you tomorrow, Elena said.
Haha i see you Ella, enjoy i want updates tomorrow about everything, goodnight.
Hello mom, i am coming home in about 30 minutes, alright thanks mom.
Babe, Elena told me you want to leave, are you okay? Though i am not sober i can't drive i thought we could spend the night here, Tyler said.
Yeah i want to go home, i am fine though don't worry i have called a taxi , don't miss me too much and please be careful.
If you say so sweetheart, let me keep you company as you wait for the taxi, i will be careful love be safe, Tyler said.
Thanks Cupcake, i appreciate though you don't have to wait, i will be fine, Oh the taxi is here, goodnight handsome.
You're welcome Cherry, one more kiss babe, the last one, the final one haha, have a lovely night and i will check up on you tomorrow, Tyler said.
Okay then, you're so naughty haha see you tomorrow i love you my prince be careful.
Love you more beautiful i am only naughty with you my love, text me when you reach i will tell Shaun you left, Tyler said.

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