Brandon POV (39)

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I woke up in a really good mood and looking forward to my dinner with Shantelle, i was now in my office working on some documents before i decided to call Ricardo.
Hey man, how are you? About yesterday i am so sorry i lashed out at you and for being a jerk, you're my brother please don't let this get in the middle of our friendship. I exhaled a long breath of air after letting out what i wanted to tell him.
Hey bro, i am good i agree i didn't understand why you were so worked up but that doesn't mean i am angry at you, i forgive you man, Ricardo said.
I get you bro, it won't happen again i promise, so what have you been up to?
Haha i never thought i would see a day where a woman would come between us, well just been soaked up in work and thinking about the bet, i don't think she deserves that, i will back off since i know you already have feelings for her, Ricardo said.
Haha i know i missed my guy, what? You can't be serious are you? And how do you know i have feelings for her, you didn't have to do that. I couldn't believe what i just heard, my heart literally skipped a bit, i was dying of happiness but i didn't want to let him know yet.
I missed you too bro, yes i am serious Shantelle is a nice woman and different, it was so lame of us to place a bet on her. I know you more than you know yourself, i knew you were jealous yesterday and i am happy you finally fell in love, Ricardo said.
You're right it is all my fault, i am sorry i brought you into the bet, is it that obvious? I can't believe it has just been a few days and she's taking over every system in my body, thank you so much man and i won't disappoint you.
You didn't force me into it so it was my fault too, yes it is so obvious bro. That's what love does, you go crazy and it makes you smile more especially if it is mutual. I know you will take care of her very well or else you will face my punches, Ricardo said.
Huh i know bro i still think i am dreaming though, if someone had ever told me i would fall in love i would think they are crazy but look at me now. I will work on making her get to know me better, i can't risk my face getting dislocated because of you haha.
  Haha true you have left the club bro, i will sure tell the guys a woman has you wrapped around her finger, get ready to answer to each  one of them, that is a good step to achieving your end goal, Ricardo said.
Haha i hate you bro, you're enjoying this, aren't you?I will talk to you later, let me get back to work and thanks again.
I am really having too much fun, finally a woman has managed to tame your stubborn self haha, okay man talk to you later and you're welcome, Ricardo replied.
After talking to Ricardo i was so happy with the news he gave me, i could already feel a heavy weight lift off me, i didn't want me and Ricardo to fight over Shantelle basing on the fact that he met her first. It was really kind of him to back off and let me have the woman of my dreams, i will make sure to thank him in a generous way when all this works out between me and her.
Good afternoon Sir, are you still busy, Mike said after knocking on my office.
Good afternoon Mike, i can spare some time please have a seat, how can i help you?
Oh great, you remember Mr. Smith the investor from Greece, he called today and i have great news, Mike said.
Really, i thought he had backed out on investing in the company, what is the great news?
Well Sir, he said he will be coming to New York next month and he wants to see you when he comes. I also thought he had backed out but he said he was having personal problems but he's now on track for business with us, Mike said.
Hmm that makes sense now i thought he had sided with our competitors, i will make sure to mark it down and not forget. Make sure you pick him up from the airport when he arrives and you settle him in the best hotel.
It is good he didn't side with them, he knows how influential and competent we are boss, i will do that when he arrives. I will let you get back to work then and boss you look so happy today, Mike implied.
Okay then Mike, thanks for letting me know,  haha get out of my office i am always happy.
You're welcome Sir, for real today you're different so calm and smiling, whatever you're doing keep it up, Mike smirked.
Haha you're forgetting i am your boss, you will be fired though you're my friend, get back to work.

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