Brandon POV (43)

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Oh man, did i do something wrong? Or i was too fast, i couldn't help it but grab her waist and kiss her passionately, she looked so beautiful in my arms and i thought maybe she felt the connection too till she pulled away and stormed into her apartment. She was really driving me insane, i don't think i will be able to forget the taste of her lips now, how soft they felt against mine, her smooth tender body that drives me crazy.
I needed a very cold shower, immediately i reached home, i took a cold bathe and closed my eyes thinking about the only woman that controlled my whole system, who i couldn't get out of my mind and my heart.

Ding Ding Ding
I heard my phone vibrate and checked my clock it was 6:45am i never woke up this late before, as soon as i sat up on my bed, i remembered the events of last night, a small smile crept up my face. I know i had to talk to her and find out why she pulled away and if she doesn't feel the same way i do.
I did my daily morning workout and took a shower, i wore a black shirt and a navy blue tie,  black crease trouser and a white jacket.
I reached in my office at around 8:35am, i didn't have breakfast at home since i wanted to avoid my mom she knew about the dinner i had with Shantelle.
Morning Olivia, how are you doing? Please get me some coffee and breakfast.
Morning Sir, i am okay, i will be right back with that, Olivia said.
Ding Ding Ding i heard my phone vibrate, it was my mom who was calling. I didn't pick it up but put it in silence and ate my breakfast in peace, i will talk to her later.
I had an early meeting with some executives from the bank, i had to get a specific amount of money for my penthouse that Olivia had managed to get for me. She was really reliable, i made it a point to increase her salary.
My mind drifted back to Shan wondering if she loved me too, i would give up anything for her if she asked me to. I felt an urge of storming into her office and asking her if she felt the connection i felt but i was afraid i would push her too far and she may end up leaving me. I was still in my thoughts when i heard a commotion outside my office so i got out to check what it was.
Only to find my mom arguing with Olivia, i had told my P.A not to let anyone in my office be it my mom or Ricardo so i expected this scene before me. Olivia you can let her in, don't worry i will handle this.
Okay sir i am sorry Mrs. Alicia, the order was from my boss, Olivia said.
Sorry for yourself, you're lucky my son likes you working here otherwise i would have fired you myself, Alicia Saunders said.
Mom please come in leave her out of this, i stopped her from letting anyone in. What brings you here anyway?
You stopped your own mother from coming to your office, i wish your father was here to see the way you're treating me and i don't need a reason to see my only son, Alicia implied.
Stop being dramatic mom, it doesn't suit you at all and don't involve dad in this. I will ask again, what are you doing here?
Sometimes i think you're not even my son, you're so serious just like him. Well i came here because i want to know how your date went, and who the woman in question is? Alicia said.
I knew that was the reason why you came, to jab me with questions, well it went very well and the lady in question is Shantelle Mathews. That's all i can say for now, are you satisfied mom?
Haha i was getting curious since you just left home without saying anything, that is good to know. Mathews, where did i hear that name from, can i get to meet this woman today or tomorrow? Alicia said.
I know you mom, well she works here but i would like you to meet her at home not here it is not professional, Mathews is a common name i am sure you heard it among your circle of friends.
What? She works here, then i want to meet her now i don't care if it is professional or not, can we go you introduce me, Alicia said.
No mom, i have a lot of paperwork to take care of, can't you wait maybe till tomorrow or next month. I didn't want her to meet Shantelle when i wasn't sure where we stood but this woman wasn't going to back down so i agreed to take her to her office. I had never felt my heart beat faster like this in my whole life, the more we neared her office i grew more anxious and nervous. Get a grip on yourself Brandon damn it, she's just going to meet her, what's the worst that could happen?

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