Brandon POV (37)

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When i left office i was in a bad mood, i drove as fast as i could to reach home, Briana noticed my mood and let me be. I rushed to the gym as i removed my coat, tie and suit, by the time i left nothing had changed. It seems this was a different case not even the adrenaline could stop me from thinking about her, Briana found me in the kitchen after taking a cold bathe.
Hey bro, you look really bad, what is wrong? You know you can talk to me, i may be younger than you but i am a good listener, Briana said.
Hello sis, it is nothing that important and i can manage don't worry about me.
No i know you need to talk about it otherwise you would have locked up yourself in your room, i am right you know, Briana said.
Sometimes i forget you're so smart, and you know me so well, it is about a woman but i will fix it.
Hmm, women problems that is a first, you never had an issue about women before, it must be someone really special to get you all worked up like this, tell me all of it, Briana said.
Well first promise me you won't tell mom about this she will get excited for nothing, i met someone i really like but me and Ricardo placed a bet about her.
Oh and you didn't expect to fall for her, and you want her for yourself, am i right? Briana said.
Exactly i didn't plan for that to happen, i thought she was going to be like the rest of the women i have used and dumped, is this karma for me?
Huh, well does she know how you feel? Have you tried getting her to know the real you not the jerk you pretend to be? I don't think it is karma and if it is you will have to carry your burden, Briana said.
No she doesn't know, the first time when i really like someone, i can't say it. I am taking her to dinner tomorrow hopefully, she will get to know me, really you're supposed to make me feel better not mock me.
Oh then that is good news, make sure you put up a good front and be nice, haha i was joking bro i am sure you will be fine, Briana said.
I will thanks for listening to me and giving me advice, i know all will be good. I will let you be then, i love you.
You're welcome you jerk, you know i have no choice but to remind you about how good of a person you are, i love you too bro, Briana said.

I am now in the study thinking if i should text her or not, after talking to Briana i called Eduardo and told him to help me with her number so here i am. I ended up calling her but it went straight to voicemail, so i thought she was busy and put my phone aside. A few minutes later my phone vibrated, a smile crept up my face when i saw it was a message from her i replied saying it was me i know she hates me calling her beautiful so i decided to go with that.
Shantelle: Huh, how did you get my number? Stop calling me that, you know i hate it.
Brandon: well beautiful i told you i have my ways, did i get you at a bad time?
Shantelle: i see you're persistent i will let you be, no it is okay and by the way thanks for referring Xavier to us, it was really helpful of you.
Brandon: Am i sensing a smile coming from you, you're welcome it was really nothing i am glad i could help.
Shantelle: Haha no way i am not smiling, some of us can actually say thanks without a smile, i just didn't expect that from you.
Brandon: Haha i know you did i could feel it, really now you had such a bad impression of me i see.
Shantelle: You're right i did, haha you can't blame me you acted like a total jerk when we first met but i can see that you're nice to talk to.
Brandon: Hmm i see i am making progress before you didn't mix my name with nice, well you have to pardon me about that though we were both in the wrong.
Shantelle: Haha i hope i didn't just increase someone's ego, you're right i am sorry too i judged you before i got to know you.
Brandon: You're really funny don't worry it has increased only a little haha, i get where you were coming from. So our dinner tomorrow still stands, right?
Shantelle: Hmm, i will keep that in mind not to boast your ego, yeah it still stands though you didn't tell me where you're taking me.
Brandon: Haha i was kidding, i can't tell you about that yet, you will know tomorrow.
Shantelle: Good to know then, whatever you say grumpy i will see you around, good night.
Brandon: Okay beautiful, don't forget i am your boss now haha i am not grumpy, have a lovely night.
While talking to her i didn't even realise i was all smiling like a mad man till i turned to see my mom asking me who i was talking to while blushing. I didn't even know when she got home, Oh Lord help me please.
Answer me Brandon, who is that? I think you met someone, are you getting married to her? When is the wedding? When am i meeting her? Alicia Saunders said.
What? Relax mom, you're asking way too many questions which i don't have answers to, yes i met someone but we are just getting to know each other. No wedding yet, you will meet her when the time is right not now.
Oh Brandon don't blame me you're my only son, i just want to see you settle down, well i am glad you met someone and i will hold you to your word i can't wait to see this woman who has you all smiling like that, Alicia said.
I know mom, don't you worry it might happen sooner than you think, haha i wasn't blushing mom please go i want to be alone.
I really can't wait finally, you don't know how long i hoped for this to happen, i will let you get back to your mysterious woman.

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