Chapter 42: Always..

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Three days ago I sent the love of my life on a jet to London for a funeral, not knowing that in those three short days... all hell would break loose. Bucky is back. And according to the news, he's terrorizing the friggen planet. He's on a mission. Literally... Steve... tried to get Bucky and bring him to safety but was intercepted by the Black Panther, otherwise known as the newly crowned King Tchalla, and they were intercepted by the police. My dad has been working with Nat trying as hard as he can to keep everyone from falling apart, but I can see the tension and stress building like I've never seen in him before.

"Come on Romanoff. Let's go! They've got Rogers, Wilson and Barnes in custody we gotta go put out the fire." Dad grumbled in a pissy tone as Nat gave me a look and stood up too.

"I'm coming too!" I stood from my kitchen chair, just before being able to follow them out,

"No! You stay HERE. Everyone else needs you right now you're in charge while I'm gone!" Dad snapped.

"Dad! That's my fiancé I'm going with you!" I stated plainly back to him.

"Ally. I don't know what's going to happen to Steve. Or any of them. Barnes is dangerous. And I don't want you anywhere near that mess. Stay here, I'll call you as soon as I hear something." Dad lowered his tone before kissing my forehead and leaving with Nat.

"Damnit Steven." I said to myself as I stood in my kitchen with my hands on my hips, wishing my fiancé hadn't done things his way for ONCE.

A few hours after they landed the plane where my fiancé and his "friends" were being held, I finally got a phone call!

"Nat!" I nearly shouted through the speaker as I answered my phone.

"Ally. Listen to me. You know nothing. Barnes, Wilson and Rogers are off the radar. Barnes broke out of his holding cell and we put up a fight but it was useless." Natasha answered as soon as I did.

"So if he comes home.." my stomach dropped to the floor.

"They're on the run... they're being considered armed and very dangerous criminals now. If you see them... call me." She almost couldn't get the words out of her mouth and I knew just how she felt. It's not true...

"Nat I don't know. Steve doesn't do this kind of thing this isn't like him!" I started to panic.

"Ally breathe! Just.. if you hear from them. Call ME. No one else." She said before hanging up the phone.

"SHIT.. shit shit shit shit!" I cursed as I tried to breathe out my anxiety.

As the next day and night came, more of the Avengers started disappearing under the radar and I was soon left alone. Then I got the call...

"Uncle Rhodeys hurt bad.." dad said with guilt dripping from his words.

"How bad are we talking dad?" I shook in fear.

"He might be paralyzed... severe spinal cord injury were on the way back now." Dad replied.

"Daddy what happened? What's happening!? Please just tell me..." I cried to him on the phone in desperation.

"We're done... We have to bring in Rogers and the others... it's gonna get ugly.. maybe even uglier than it got today." Dad solemnly replied.

"Bring him back dad... please..." I sobbed before hanging up.

If Steve's going anywhere, it's here. And I have to make a choice right now. Who's side am I on?

Hopelessly Yours: A Steve Rogers Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now