Chapter 41: The Accords

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I was wiping down the counters of my quiet house after coming home from Boston, when I heard the front door close. The sound of Steve's boots clobbered across the hardwood floor as gently as my super soldier fiancé could.

"Steve?" I called out quietly as I tucked my dish rag into my back pocket of my skinny jeans and walked through the kitchen into the living room to see my night in shining armor standing there, exhausted, with a small relieved smile.

"Hey baby." He exhaled with his arms outstretched towards me.

I nearly leapt into his arms with excitement that he was home, colliding into his strong chest and crashing my lips to his.

"I saw the news.." I trailed through the 'I missed you so much' kind of kisses as I wrapped my legs around his waist, "you scared the hell out of me!"

"I'm sorry Ally" Steve muttered out, too focused on the fact that he'd made it home, finally.

"I missed you." I ran my fingers through his blonde hair as we broke the kiss.

"You have no idea." Steve replied with a sweet smile before letting me back down gently to my feet.

I went to step away and sit down on the couch, but my wrist was tugged with one hand, and my waist with another before our lips locked again,

"Wait wait wait I want one more." Steve giggled into our sweet and slow kiss as he pulled me closer.

"I love you." I whispered as he pulled away.

"I love you." He replied with soft eyes.

"How is she? Wanda." I asked him, concerned about my friend by keeping my distance.

"She's... upset. Hurting. Blaming herself... the news doesn't help.. Anything to slander us as much as possible these days." Steve looked disappointed.

"Baby... I'm so sorry.." I caressed his cold face with my petite hands.

"People died. That's on us. Just like Sokovia." He stated in a trance.

"No... Hey. Steven... look at me." I turned his face up to meet mine, "YES people died. A lot of people died. Including Peitro. It was tragic, and devastating and horrible, but look... You saved the world. From something much worse. And we gained another family member. Two other family members. Vision and Wanda wouldn't be here if not for Ultron. Everyone has to make sacrifices in this world honey and the work you do... Sometimes requires carrying the weight of the consequences. But baby... you don't have to carry the weight alone." I said as Steve's eyes softened again and he pulled me into a hug.

"I'm sorry." Steve's voice muttered into my collarbone.

"No baby. Don't be sorry. They need you. Our team, needs it's captain to lean on right now, okay? What'd you say we both get dressed and head over to the facility huh?" I rubbed my hands lightly up and down his back as he agreed with a sigh.

The Avengers Facility was busy, yet nearly dead silent! A gloominess hung over this place like the plague. It was no secret that the Avengers, all of them, were beating themselves up over what happened in Lagos. As I came across each one, I hugged them tightly, making sure to let them know how delighted and lucky I was to have them all back home in one piece. I made my rounds, little by little until I made it back to Steve's office where I found him quietly watching more news coverage on Lagos. I walked up behind his black leather chair and began massaging his quote obviously tense shoulders and neck before lacing my arms around him and hugging him tightly.

"Turn it off.. You know how the media will do anything to have a story, including twist facts. It's not true honey. You guys are far from bad..." I mentioned quietly as he agreed and clicked the computers off. Suddenly, Steve and I heard the same channel still playing from Wanda's room.

"Have you talked to her?" I asked quietly.

He shook his head,
"Not yet."

I looked back at her bedroom,
"She needs you, Steve. She's blaming herself completely and the news is not making this better.." I motioned to the tv screens.

"You're right, Al." Steve stood up from his office chair and rested his hands on either side of my face,
"What would I be without you?" He stared into my eyes lovingly, gratefully.

"You would be Captain America, Steve Rogers, and Avenger... More importantly... you'd still be you. Because nobody is you and that's your best power. " I kissed his lips softly before shooing him off to comfort Wanda while I went to make food for everyone.

"Oh hey dad!" I heard his voice enter the kitchen behind me as I brought out ingredients to prepare lunch.

"Ally, this is Secretary Ross." Dad said seriously as he gave me that 'this is an important person don't embarrass me' look.

The man was tall and slender, white haired with a chip on his shoulder that even the Hubble telescope could see! This man had 'snake in the grass' written all over him! I got really bad vibes!

"Hm.. Nice to meet you sir! You hungry!?" I shook his hand cheerfully as I motioned to the food on the counter.

"Hello Ally! Very pleasant girl you have here Stark! I'm impressed! No thank you doll I'm just stopping by for a meeting." He declined.

"Al I'm gonna need you to stay clear of this meeting ok?" Dad leaned in and whispered to me.

"Uh-ok?" I responded quizzically.

"Good girl. We'll catch up soon!" Dad responded as he kissed my head.

"Lunch will be ready when you are..." I trailed off, trying not to let my curiosity get the best of me!

Almost an hour went by before I saw Secretary Ross leaving the facility. I figured I'd give it a few moments before letting the crew know that lunch was ready! After my curiosity drove me crazy, I started making my way towards the conference room  when I heard footsteps quickly clop down the stair case.

"Steve?" I rounded the corner to find my love, furrow browed with his head in his hands as he leaned against the railing.

"Honey... what is it?" I asked as I lightly rubbed his strong bicep.

"It's.. it's-Uh... Peggy." He quietly broke.

I knew what this meant... it'd been expected. But nothing can prepare you for that...

"Oh Steve... I'm so sorry.." I whispered as I pulled him into a hug.

We stayed there in that moment for what felt like an hour, but were quickly interrupted by the commotion upstairs.

"What's going on up there?" I asked Steve.

"Tony... he did something without telling anyone else, and it's potentially dangerous. It could break up the Avengers for good.." Steve seemed unimpressed by the topic, being more focused on the shock of losing Peggy.

"Oh.. okay.. I'll talk to him... but for now, let's go get you packed and on a jet to London, okay?" I motioned towards the door so we could leave.

"Can I bring Sam with me?" Steve quietly asked.

"Why would you ask me? Of course you can baby.. anything you need just tell me." I pulled him into another hug.

Later that evening, I was standing on the rooftop of The facility with Steve, saying goodbye before he left for the funeral.

"I'll just be a few days." Steve said gloomily as he stared at his feet.

"No no, don't you do that. You take whatever time you need honey, okay?" I replied quietly as I gently rubbed his cheek with my thumb.

"I'm sorry about postponing the wedding Ally.. you don't des-"

"Steven, don't you dare apologize. This is more important. You go. I'll be here when you get back. I love you so much." My voice broke a little as my heart hurt for my love.

"I love you always." He kissed my cheek and then my lips softly before turning away to board the plane.

And here I am, once again, waving goodbye to the people I love, wishing I could protect them in any way possible.. but the reality is that I am just a human being, no special powers or suit of armor, no deadly skills. Just... me.

Hopelessly Yours: A Steve Rogers Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now