Chapter Five, No Regrets

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ayee peeps ^-^

ok, wasnt the other chap GREAT or wat??

or wat

i saaaaid, wasnt the-

i know wat u said. or wat

oh ;-;


anywho, may i present CHAPTAH FIVE >:3



*Echo's POV*

"Echo," he started. "I love you."

"Harry," I started saying, but I was cut off.

"Yes, I know. Reema is my girlfriend. But like I said, I don't love her!" her got close and whispered in my ear,"I love you more than anything."


Cue the dun dun dunnnn sound effect!

"Harry," I started without being cut off this time,"I wasn't going to mention Reema.. I was gonna say I love you too."

It got silent right there.

Right there was the most awkwardest moments in world history.

"Actually, I am pretty tired. You still tired, Hazza?"

"Oh. Yeah. You can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep on the floor-"

"No, we can sleep together.. in your bed." I said smiling.

Within a few minutes, we crashed out.

*The next morning*

I woke up with Harry gone.


I had to pee so I started my way to the bathroom.


I slightly knocked.

"Hey, Echo, I'm kind of using it right now.." Harry said. "Go to the bathroom down the hall, no one's in it."


I walked out of his room to see that the bathroom was at the very end of the hallway.

I started to sprint my way to it that way no one could see me.

"Excuse me, where are you going?"

I turned around a saw a woman, possibly Harry's sister, standing behind me.

"Pee.." I said shyly.

"And, um, what is your name?"

"You tell me yours first!"

"Smh. You don't own this house, my dear. And I'm Gemma. Gemma Styles."

Ohh, yup. Harry's sister.

"I'm Taylor Swift!" I said.

"Darling," Gemma said,"last time I checked, Taylor doesn't have black hair."

She started playing with my hair.

"What does it matter?"

She stopped and got serious,"It matters because for all I know, you could be a robber trying to steal our expensive soaps."

"Hey, Gem!"

I saw Harry behind her.

"Harry, I found one of your friends sneaking into our bathroom!" she said.

She turned to me and questioned,"Do you know Harry? Do we know you? What's your name? Does my mom know you're here? I could turn you into the poli-"

"Shut up!" screamed Harry,"She means much to me and I'd appreciate it if you'd just cut her some slack."

"You're lucky I'm on grounding, Harry. If not, then I'd tell Robin."

After that, she left.

"Harry," I said.

"Yeah, Eck?"

"I think I just wet myself." I said smirking.


xD i love that ending.

sorry this chapter was so small. i wanted a funny ending instead of an awkward ending of it saying she got up to wipe.

thats just weird.

anywhoo share this, comment, and votee cx

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Isn't Gemma a booty butt? xc


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