Chapter Thirteen, No Regrets

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oo the chapta before had so much mystery -3- btw guys, if u didnt know already, Sarabeth is XxSara_HoranxX , my real life best friend. so please follow her, she has an amazayn fanfic c:

soo lets start with chapter thirteen! ^.^



"Wait, so what do you mean Niall's in the hospital?" I asked.

Sarabeth uncovered her face and looked at us.

She had puffy pink eyes, along with runny eyeliner.

She wiped her tears and replied,"After he dropped me off at my house, he got in a.. in a car crash."

That made Sarabeth cry even more.

"There, there, Sarabeth." said Lexi who was now standing next to her.

"What?" Harry said confused,"How- how can he... what?"

Harry was starting to form tears in his eyes.

"Harry, it's ok. All we have left to do is hope. Do you know how bad?" I said.

"Well, the doctor said that a drunk ran into him on the street, sending him into a guard rail on the side of the rode. The guard rail went straight through the front of the car. But luckily, Niall ducked. So I don't think that much.. I hope." Sarabeth said.


Ding ding

I looked at my phone to see a text from Sarabeth


hey, we're going to go visit Niall at the hospital! Care to come?


Omg! Of course! Come pick me up!


haha ok ok calm ur tits c;

I quickly got into my best outfit, black fetch top, and ripped blue jean shorts.

I didn't have a crush on Niall, I just wanted to look good because Harry and Louis would be there!


Knock knock knock

Sarabeth and I stood at the door to see Louis open it up.

Awe! He had a chicken wing outfit on for Niall!

"Don't. laugh.. it's for Niall." Louis said.

Harry was sitting in the chair next to Niall, fast asleep.

"Awe.. sleepy Niall!" whispered Sarabeth.

There was luckily enough room on the bed for her to slip in.

She got on the bed next to Niall and cuddled him.

"Sarabeth?" asked Niall.

With his irish accent, it was more like 'Surbet'.

"Yeah, babe. It's me." she said.

I saw Niall smile and put his broken arm around her.

Knock knock

"I wonder who that could be!" said Harry, awfully suspicious.

He opened the door so Niall could see Lexi walk through, followed by the boys of 5 Seconds Of Summer.

Niall managed to open his bruised, puffy eye to see Calum.

He lifted up and gasped.

"Calum... Hood?!" he said.

"Yeah, it's me." he said smiling.

"Don't forget Ashton, Luke, and Micheal!" said a curly with a bandana in the back of Calum.

"And- and you're Ashton!" he said pointing to curly,"Luke!" with the lip peircing,"and Micheal!" directing to the emo in the back.

They all laughed.

Calum walked up to Niall,"A little birdy told me that you got hurt, and that you thought you'd die. So I wanted to visit you!"

Niall nearly teared up and hugged Calum.

"You're my idol." Niall said.


haii! :D i thought it's be nice if Niall had a surprise, Calum Hood!

soo yeah, ilysm 1D & 5SOS :'D



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