Chapter Fourteen, No Regrets

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Hayy peeps :D ive been publishing alot lately.. Should i keep it up.? No? Yes? Maybe? Never? Lol idk.

anywhoo i fell in love with the last chapter, and im concerned of wat my mischievous mind is thinking of putting in this c:<



Once Niall was done talking to Calum for nearly four hours, Micheal said that it's possible that he could get a record deal.

Though, Niall said that he wouldn't do anything without his lads, Harry and Louis.

Ashton then said that they could do it too.

Then Luke spoke up saying that they had signed someone up too, Zayn.

Then I came in telling them all about Zayn, but Harry's willing to give him another chance.

"Would you, Lexi, and Sarabeth like to have a chance at it?" asked Calum.

Lexi said no, she thinks she sings bad.

Sarabeth said no, she's too shy.

I said no because I didn't know any american artists other than 5 Seconds of Summer!

"Aww! That sucks! You guys can come and watch your babes sing on the record." said Micheal.

All three of us said sure then the boys were out the door.

"Wait! Luke! Ashton!" I said stopping them.

They both turned around and Micheal and Calum were out in the hall,"Yeah?" they both said.

"I love you both. You two are my idols! I wouldn't have been this close to Niall if it wasn't for you guy's awesome music. Don't tell Calum and Micheal, but you to rock!" I said.

Then Lexi popped up,"Or should you say.. PUNK rock? Ehhhh?!"

Then Sarabeth pointed to her with a smile,"Ehhhh?!"

Then Ashton walked up to Lexi and kissed her on the cheek! So cute!

Luke just smiled, hugged us all, and left.

Sarabeth looked at her phone,"Aw! Baby, I have to go! I love you so much and I hope you get soon."

She gave him a fifteen-second kiss on the lips then left.

Lexi and Louis decided to run off, which left only me, Harry, and Niall.

"Hey, big man." Said Harry, sitting in the chair next to Niall with me sitting on his lap.

"Hey, Har."

"So, are you excited for the whole recording thing?" asked Harry smiling.

"Yeah. How do you sing, Harry? Are you good?"

"I guess so.."

Then I interrupted,"Sing!"

He looked puzzled at me.

"Yeah! Sing, Harry!"

Harry looked down and laughed.

Then we heard him start to sing,"She looks so perfect standin' there, in my American Apparel underwear," then he looked at me and smiled,"and I know now.. That I'm so down."


"That was awesome, Harry!" said Niall smiling.

"Thanks.. Now it's your turn Niall!"

Niall laughed and started singing Nico & Vinz.

"Am I wrong, for thinking out the box from where I stay? Now am I wrong, for sayin' that I'll choose another way? I ain't tryin' do what everybody else doin', just cause everybody doin' what they all do.. If one thing I know, I'll fall, but I'll grow. I'm walkin' down, this road of mine, this road that I call home."

"Oh my gosh Niall! I have no words! If Sarabeth was here, she'd love it." I said laughing.

Then a blonde nurse walked in,"Sorry guys, visiting time's over."

"Oh, ok. Well, bye lads!" said Niall.

We walked out the door then heard murmuring from inside his room.

*Niall's POV*

I had to let my friends, Echo and Harry, leave because Nurse Veronica had to take some blood tests to make sure I was fine to go that night.

I hadn't told anyone yet because I wanted it to be a surprise.

"So, Niall, are you ready for me to take some blood?" Veronica asked.

"Yep." I said exhaling.

She walked around my bed and looked at me the whole time, smiling.

Veronica thought I was attractive.

She was as well, but Sarabeth was my one and only, my princess, my true love.

Then my thoughts were interrupted by a cold alcohol wipe on my arm.

"Hehe, sorry." she said giving me a wink.

I held my breath and adjusted my body on the bed.

"This is going to be a quick, sharp pain. It'll be ok. If it hurts, you can squeeze my hand."

Then I spoke up as soon as she finished,"I think I'm fine with squeezing the sheets."

She just smiled more than pricked me on the arm.

I squeezed the sheets because in order to take my blood, she had to push it in.

She leaned in to me and whispered,"Does it hurt?"

I nodded, squeezing my eyes closed.

Then she leaned in and kissed me!

"Okay! Stop!" I said.

She stopped,"What's wrong?"

"Harry! I know you're on the outside of the door! Come here!" I yelled.

Luckily, he was and he busted in, as well as Echo.

"What's wrong?" asked Harry.

"She kissed me."

"Oh," said a familiar voice,"you son of a BITCH!"

Then Sarabeth ran in, charging after Veronica.

Veronica stepped back, but Harry caught Sarabeth.

*Harry's POV*

I had caught Sarabeth from attacking the Nurse, so she was now sideways in my arms, facing her.

"You son of a bitch! I hope you burn in hell!" Yelled Sarabeth trying to grab her.

"Niall," said Echo,"Did you kiss her back?"

"Well..." Niall said, rubbing his neck awkwardly.



Ermagerd did u guis see that ending coming?? I sure didnt 03o

Okai so do as u please and vote, or as i say, star.


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