5 - The Marble Heartbeat

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The Fellowship of Eleven left at dawn just as Princess Zelda ordered. The Princess refused to ride in the wagon with the supplies, which was the most comfortable and safest place in the caravan. Instead she left that honor to her lady-in-waiting, Sheena, who half-pretended to deflect the honor before finally accepting. Zelda rode out front of the group on the back of a white stallion with the Red Shirts flanking her on each side. The villas and chateaus surrounding Dragonwalk Kingdom were in an area known as The Marble Heartbeat since the castle and most of the statues honoring the royal family were built of white marble. Dragonwalk Castle was the heart that pumped the lifeblood through the rest of the kingdom.

Princess Zelda led the group through the Marble Heartbeat with the fanfare of a victory parade (despite the fact she had barely passed the starting line). Her subjects emptied out onto the streets to celebrate her, and she did her royal duty in politely waving and nodding acknowledgement to the well-to-do of the kingdom.

Oron meanwhile trailed behind the wagon being dragged along by the chain tied to his wrists. The other end of the chain was bolted to the rear of the wagon where Sheena slept on a mattress of goose down.

"Bollocks to that manky goat."

Zelda eventually drifted back behind the wagon and continued to greet her adoring public as her horse trotted beside Oron, whipping him constantly with its tail.

"How long do you think it will take us to reach the Outer Kingdom?" she asked through her forced smile.

"Are you having a laugh? At the pace we're going? Oooh...probably just before my nuts shrivel into prunes and rot off."

"You're disgusting. Can you attempt to be serious?"

He held up his wrists to show her his raw skin where the chains continued to bite deeper and deeper. "Do you see me laughing? Trust me. I want nothing more than to reach the Outer Kingdom and forget any of this rubbish ever happened."

"What does that mean?"

"Nothing. Are these chains really necessary?"

"Deal with it," Zelda hissed through her teeth. Still smiling, she trotted back up to the front of the convoy, waving her free hands as much as possible.


The Fellowship of Eleven reached their first checkpoint well past mid-day, much later than scheduled. The Blackfoot Inn stood as a symbolic landmark that represented the end of The Marble Heartbeat and the beginning of the more destitute section of the Inner Kingdom known as Mud Town where the majority of the peasants and merchants lived. Just beyond the inn the well-maintained stone roadway devolved into a dirty pathway. The footprints of the peasants could be easily seen in the dirt—the heel and all ten toes—so the poorer section of the Inner Kingdom was often referred to as "the wrong side of the tracks."

Built next to the inn was one of the many Avian towers constructed on the perimeter of The Marble Heartbeat. As ancient allies of the Dragonwalk Empire, the Avox swore to protect the kingdom in times of war. The towers were constructed so the Avian scouts could act as look-outs in a last–stand scenario in defense of the kingdom. Mud Town and beyond were considered to be acceptable losses.

It was at this tower that Zelda and Mr. Peanut had agreed the convoy would meet up with their Avian guide who would aid them on their quest. The Avox were legendary lookouts who had served as aids during many legendary quests (The Quest for the Silver Harp of Hollofax, The Quest for the Stone of Sorrow, you know them all). Although they could only fly for short distances (hovering was more their forte), their ability to take to the air made them an invaluable part of any epic quest. Mr. Peanut had promised to send his best to serve the Princess on her quest to reach the furthest reaches of the kingdom.

The Dragonwalk Highway: The Fellowship of ThirteenWhere stories live. Discover now