~ Chapter 1 ~

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Melanie Ash is waken up from her dream because of banging she isn't sure where it's coming from but she is going to give whoever is doing this a piece of her mind. She follows the sound of banging to her front door where she opens her door to find her best friend. She tries to give her friend a piece of her mind but she couldn't because of the outburst her friend is doing. Rosémary Jones pushes Melanie out of her way so she continues her outburst. Melanie goes into the kitchen to find some headache medicine all Melanie hears from the kitchen is more yelling. It's bad enough she has a headache from Rosé outburst at the door but, for it to continue in her house she doesn't think so. Melanie marches out of the kitchen to figure out what is going on with her best friend this morning.

"What is your problem this morning ?" Melanie said

"You!" Rosé yells

Melanie is looking at her best friend of sixteen years like she has lost her damn mind.

"What?" Melanie said

"Why are you acting like this?" Rosé says

"Like what?" Melanie said

Melanie is very confused about what is going on here she has no clue what her friend is talking about.

"Okay I am missing something here what are you talking about? Melanie said

"You have been reclusive lately." Rosé said

"I have?" Melanie says

"Yes you have ."Rosé says

"If you say so but I haven't." Melanie says

"When was the last time we saw each other then?"Rosé said

"Last week miss smarty pants." Melanie says

"Liar!" Rosé yelled

Melanie rolled her eyes at her friend because she thinks she is losing her mind because the truth of the matter is that they did see each other last week. She could not imagine what in the world would make her think that. It really gets on Rosé's nerves when Melanie is reclusive because she wants to know what's going on with her lately.

Just then the doorbell rings Melanie answer it to find her lady friends standing at her door she let's them in they ask where Rosé is she points to the living room. The sound of someone clearing their throat made Melanie jump and she spins around to find her guy friends smiling at her. Melanie shakes her head in disbelief then welcomes the guys into the house once they are inside she shuts the door and they follow her to the living room where everyone else is.

"Now that everyone is here I can start the meeting." Rosé said

"Why is it that we need a meeting about whatever it is this early in the morning? Couldn't we have the meeting say like this afternoon when some people are fully awake?" Melanie said

"If you are talking like that Melanie it means you are fully awake." Rosé said

"So let me get this straight you can wake me up for a morning meeting unannounced but you won't change it to the afternoon. Is that what I am suppose to believe?" Melanie demand

"Believe whatever you want." Rosé says

Sometimes talking to Rosé is impossible Melanie thought to herself. There is no reason for a meeting this early but since they are in Rosé's world she does things her way. All Melanie wants to do is get some sleep and she can't do that with Rosémary proclaiming a meeting in her living room. She has to figure out a way to get everyone out her house so she can go back to bed.

"What's the meeting about?" Melanie ask

"Your demeanor." Rosé says

Her demeanor is no one else's business and anyway she took offense to what Rosé is applying. She is very close to throwing everyone out, let's see how much her best friend likes her demeanor then. Melanie would love to see Rosé's facial expression when she decides to throw her and the rest of them out before she has a chance to discuss this.

"Let me tell you something I have a headache from you banging on my door this morning. I haven't been able to get rid of this bad boy because of all of the commotion that you cause this morning in my house. So if you could go so I can get rid of it, your participation would be appreciated." Melanie said

"I'm not going anywhere and we're doing this meeting now." Rosé said

"No we're not because this is my house and I didn't invite any of you here so get out!" Melanie yelled

"What is your problem this morning?" Rosé said

"You! Melanie yelled

"Come off of it." Rosé said

"Well this is my reply to you and this meeting (blowing a raspberry)." Melanie says

"What are you five?" Rosé said

"Maybe." Melanie said

Sometimes Melanie can be so childish sometimes Rosé thought to herself why can't she act her own age. Rosé doesn't understand why Melanie won't talk to her about whatever is bothering her maybe if she calmly ask her to come and sit down she will open up. Rosé walks over to the sofa and pat the rose color sofa to indicate for Melanie to come and sit with her.

"Melanie come sit with me?" Rosé said

"No what I want is some sleep we can talk another time so get out!" Melanie says

"Please." Rosé said

"No! Get out! I'm not playing with you Rosémary you are the last person I want to see right now and if you don't leave on your own I will call the cops and they will remove you." Melanie said

Her group of friends are shock at what was just said. Is she serious why would she say something like that and to all people Rosé her "so called" best friend. All they are trying to do is help but clearly Melanie doesn't want anyones help so the gang got up off of the floor and walk over to Rosé.

Rosé's face look hurt at the words Melanie just said she now had tears streaming down her face. The gang look at Melanie hoping she would care but Melanie stood there stone face. The gang slowly got Rosé off of Melanie sofa and they all left without saying another word. Melanie walk behind them to make sure they are going to try anything funny. Once everyone is gone Melanie goes upstairs gets in her bed and screams into her pillows. After she did that she still didn't feel any better so she pulls her diary out from her white marble night stand drawer and begin to write in it.

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