~ Chapter 2 ~

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Once Rose got home she went straight to her guest room into the close and got a book out. She sat on the edge of the bed and open the photo album that she goes to from time to time when she needs a picker upper. As she is looking threw it tears are falling from her face with each page she turn she wonder how in the world did she and Melanie get to this point in their friendship where they treat each other so meanly. What Rose really wanted to know is why Melanie won't talk to her. As long as they have been friends they have always been able to tell each other everything now the last couple of months she has been so closed off. In the beginning she let Melanie have her space thinking maybe if she would come around and tell her what going on. As the months goes by the only thing that happen is Melanie withdrawn from everyone around her which makes Rose on high alert. Melanie might not see what's going on with her but the people around can totally see that something is up and it's not just affecting Rose it's affecting her relationship with people in her life.

Rose finish looking at the photo album then put it back in the closet it didn't make her feel any better which she knew it wouldn't because all that running in her head is the last words Melanie utter to her. How in the world did she think it is okay to talk to her like that. That is how Rose knows that she needs to figure out what is wrong with her best friend because she knows Melanie would never talk to her like that in a million years. She also know that Melanie will always go to her when something the matter but why not this time?

Rose starts to pace again that is how she cops when things bother her she starts to pace so she can think better. All she wants to do is call Melanie so they can talk but she knows that is not the best idea at the moment. She is going to let Melanie cool down then try to talk to her again in a few days.

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Rose decides to have another meeting but this time at her house she has given Melanie a whole week to calm down so she should be able to talk to her without any problems. This time she might not have the gang present for this meeting because the last time it didn't go so well. She didn't know how she is go about trying to reach out to Melanie that she needs to talk to her. She is still very upset at her for saying what she said to her last week but she can forgive her best friend. Rose know if the roles were reverse that Melanie would be hurt and need time to heal so she totally understand but now that she has given her some time it' time to talk about whatever it is that is bothering her. The doorbell rings and Rose goes to open the door to find Leo Myers the six foot brown eye beauty with a smile that could melt any woman heart.

"Hey Rose I came over to make sure that you are okay." Leo said

"Which one of the gang sent you over here to check up on me?" Rose said

"No one why? You don’t think I can do things without our friends telling me?" Leo says

"No but thanks for caring really I'm fine." Rose assure her friend

"Where have I heard that before?" Leo says

Leo wasn't buying it and Rose knew it so they sat down to have a little heart to heart.

"Okay you want to know why we were at Melanie house last week right?" Rose said

"No what I really want to know is what's really going on in that little head of yours." Leo says

Rose really didn't want to go there with him right now. The only reason why she is acting the way she is because of Melanie that is what Leo has to understand. If it wasn't for this Melanie drama she wouldn't be acting this way.

"She is going to drive me crazy." Rose says

"Why? What is the thing that is driving you crazy?" Leo said

"The way she been acting like the stunt she pulled last week stuff like that." Rose said

"Am I missing something here? When did you two have a fight?" Leo ask

"That's just it we didn't but she is acting like this for weeks now and I don't know how to handle this." Rose said

Leo couldn't believe this is the way Melanie has been acting towards Rose because this seems very out of character even for her. Something needs to be done because if not something could be seriously wrong with their friend. The last thing he wants is to see is something happen to one of their own.

"All I want is my best friend back I just hope we can figure out what is going on with her before it's too late. The last thing I want is something happen to her and we didn't do anything to help her." Rose said

"Don't worry we will get to the bottom of this because I won't let anything happen to the two of you." Leo says

Rose felt a little bit better but she wishes Leo was Melanie. She really needs to have a heart to heart about what's going on with her lately and if she doesn't do it soon she might miss the opportunity to do it all together and that's what worries Rose the most.

"Thanks Leo for coming over and talking with me." Rose says

"No problem don't worry you will find the right time to talk to her I know it. I can feel it, that you will get your wish then maybe everything around here can get back to normal." Leo said

"Maybe let’s hope so." Rose said

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Rose woke up and looks around to figure out where she is. She is in the guess room on the bed she must have fallen asleep the dream that she just had seem so real like it really happen. The only way to find out was to call Leo she look at the cable box clock and it said 4:15 she was asleep for forty five minutes. Leo should be home but she not really in the mood to talk to anyone what she needs is some food in her system so she slowly gets up and goes down to the kitchen to see what she can eat. When she reaches the kitchen she realize it too quiet so she goes into the living to where her music system is and turn it on. Walks back into her kitchen to find some food she hasn't eaten since breakfast she was suppose to meet people for lunch but then she got busy doing things and forgot. On her way to fridge she see's a picture of her and Melanie from New Years Eve when they went to New York City just the two of them to see the ball drop. That when things between the two of them were better. Rose opens the fridge to get the ingredient for her sandwich she shuts the fridge door and puts everything down on the island. She grabs a chair and sits down to make her sandwich while she is making her sandwich her mind drifts into thought.

How in the world is this happening to us? We were so good at the beginning of the year and here we are so distance. We promise each other that we wouldn't let anything ruin our friendship so what the hell happen.

The knife drops from Rose’s hand onto the island’s surface and took Rose out of thought for just a moment. Rose look at the knife on the island then went back into thought.

If she doesn't want to talk to me then let's see what happen when she really needs me and I'm not there. Let's see how much she likes it when the table turns.

Rose knows that what she just thought isn't what she is really feeling she is still a little steam from what Melanie said to her. What Melanie said to her really hurt her feelings. What would the cops do once Rose explains the situation to them. She thinks they would understand where she is coming from then leave. Who did Melanie think the cops are going to believe? she didn't think Melanie thought that idea all the way threw. Rose knows that when you are mad you blurt things out without thinking of how you sound and that is all Melanie did.

How dare she try and threaten me with cops. They weren't going to believe her once I got explaining what the situation is and then Melanie would ended up looking stupid. I am glad the gang got me out of her house because if I reacted to what Melanie said then the cops might have to be called.

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