~ Chapter 7 ~

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Rose woke up in a cold sweat because of a dream she had it concerning Melanie. She looked at the clocked it read 4:45am she knew that Melanie wouldn't be up but she couldn't shake the dream it felt very real. She got out of bed and decided to get ready for her day. She knew that she will see Melanie later on this morning because she knew that they needed to talk about what's going on with her. This dream didn't help her either about her being worry about her friend it just got her more anxiety about everything. Rose is now dress and in the kitchen trying to figure out what to eat when her phone rang she answers it.

"Hello?" Rose ask

"Hey Rose I'm worried about Kathy." Leo said

"Why what's going on with Kathy?" Rose ask

"I don't know I think her and Melanie had some kind of fight because when I talk to her last she seem like upset at Melanie but I couldn't get too much out of her so I was wondering if you could see what's up. It's bad enough that we have one friend acting strange we don't need another." Leo told her

Leo did make a good point now Rose has more on her plate that is not what she needed this morning. She thanks Leo for calling her and hung up the phone. She now needed a plan to figure out what was going on with Kathy and to see if she would tell her about what's been going on with the two of them. It's bad enough that one friend is holding secrets she doesn't need another one doing the same thing. She needs to get this taking care of now. Rose grab her phone and dial Kathy number hoping that she was up.

"Hello." Kathy said sleepily

"You up?" Rose ask

"Not really why what's up?" Kathy answer

"You tell me?" Rose question her

Kathy sat up in bed thinking what she did to deserve Rose calling her with that kind of tone in her voice. She couldn't think of anything at the moment but if she keeps asking questions she will get answers to what this is all about.

"Don't know what you are referring to?" Kathy said

"One name Melanie." Rose said

Oh boy Rose found out about the fight she had with Melanie and now wants to know why. This couldn't be good but who told her is what she wants to know. She knows that she hasn't talk to anybody recently to get Rose upset.

"How did you find out?" Kathy ask

"Don't worry about that just tell me what's going on between the two of you?" Rose ask

"We had a fight and now I'm not talking to her that's all nothing to worry about it will blow over in a couple of days." Kathy reassured Rose

Rose didn't know if she needed to believe what Kathy is telling her or not but she did for the time being just so she could get off the phone with her.

"Okay I am trusting that everything will blow over in a couple of days. If not you’re in trouble with me got it?" Rose said

"Yeah I got it." Kathy said

Rose hung up the phone and looked at the clock it read 6:00 am she really needs to go back to bed but she not so she went upstairs and got her diary because she can’t believe that more stuff has happen so quickly.

Dear Diary,

Well I am up and its only 6:00 why I am up so early is because of dream I had about Melanie and it didn’t end well which is how I woke up. I just wish Melanie would talk to me but I know I will talk to her today and it will be find I know it will if not then you will know. That just one thing that is on my mind just who call me? Leo and he is worry about Katy because he thinks that Kathy got into it with Melanie and he wants me to see if Katy will tell me since she didn’t tell them anything. I agree I would talk to Kathy to see what I can get out of her. So I hung up with him and call Kathy and she answer and we talk and she says that she had a fight with Melanie but it will blow over. Yeah right I really didn’t believe them I have been around them when they have fights and it doesn’t blow over in a couple of days. I don’t know what they fought about because I didn’t truly get into it with Kathy but she told me everything fine and things will return back to normal. Its bad enough I have Melanie keeping her distant from us I don’t know Kathy coming in and keeping Melanie from coming to us I really wish I could have been there to stop them from fighting because it would of save me the headache that Kathy now has given me. I love Kathy to death but I think whatever her intention were just backfire and now I have more to worry about then I did before.

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