~ Chapter 6 ~

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Some while later Rose held a group meeting.Everyone understood that Rose is just trying to figure out where are these piece lead up to. This is not what they thought these pieces would lead them to more unsolved piece. They need to figure out why they have so many open end pieces and how they can get some kind of picture because if they don't they might never figure out what is going on with their friend.

"So who want to go first?" Rose ask

Everyone look around to see who wanted to go first because they did have a lot of things to get to. They don't know if they can go through all the information that they have will help them get any closer to figuring out what going on with Melanie. Rose looks over at Leo hoping he would start that would break the ice if he went first. Leo got her drift and stood up but then he sat back down because he wanted Rose to stand up with him but in the back of his mind he knew she wouldn't go for it.

"Rose stand next to me?" Leo ask

"Sure." Rose agree

Leo is surprise that she agree to do this but at this point I think everyone just wants Melanie to be okay and didn't matter who did what. Rose walked over to where Leo is and hoping he has a plan because she is running out of ideas on how to save their friend. Leo took out a piece of paper and started with that.

"Okay gang we know a couple of things and I have written them down so that we keep track of what is going on with our girl. The first point is that she doesn't want to be sociable. Which we all know isn't our girl because she is the most sociable person we know well at least in our group. Does anyone disagree with this point?" Leo ask

No had any disagreement on that and that is what the most obvious point is. They didn't know why she didn't want to be around them lately and that made them feel like they weren't being good people well at least with her anyway. They knew they were good people but at the same time they know it wasn't them it is her and they had to get her back to being sociable. This Melanie is a hermit crab who just wanted to stay in her house and they can’t figure out what they can do to get there friend to tell them what is wrong. They just wish she wouldn’t be so secretive because that is the thing that is really mess up in this situation at the moment. She is pushing them away and they don’t know why but at the same time when they try and help her she just won’t let them. She is very wishy washy and it is not helping anything they truly don’t how to help her if she just wants to do this. This isn’t a game and they wish they could just let her know that they want her to tell them so they won’t be on pins and needles around. That is not the way they need to be around her if she thinks they can’t handle whatever it is then she clearly doesn’t know her friends.

"The next point is her attitude. She has been snapping at everyone like a snapping turtle. She doesn't care who in her way or whose feeling she hurts. Melanie is not a mean person this is the main problem we are having with her at the moment yes?” Leo said

Everyone nodded their head that is the other thing what got up her but and bite it? Maybe it’s the secret she is hiding from then that is making her this mean but whatever it is she needs to let it good it’s not healthy.

 “This whole thing started with her attitude against Rose. We need to figure out what is up her butt so she can be happy again. I don't like this Melanie and I know you guys don't either." Leo said

Everyone gave Leo thumbs up on what he said. Leo made some very good points they need to figure out why Melanie is so snippy with everyone. No one is buying the whole "I'm tired" bit. Something else is going and maybe they can figure out what it is if they can get near the women.

Rose is very bless to have friends like these to help her out with situations like this if she didn't she doesn't know what she would do. Rose look over at Kathy Scott to see how she was feeling about the whole deal.

"Kathy what are you thinking?" Rose ask

Kathy is surprise Rose wanted her to talk because she really didn't feel up to saying anything.

"You know what Rose you will have to get my answer another time because I have something to do right now. So I will see you all another time." Kathy said

Before Rose could reply Katy is gone.

Dear Diary,

So I held another meeting but this time without Melanie because I don't want all the drama Leo did the meeting I just called it. I ask him to do it because I truly don't know what I could say to the group that I haven't all ready said. Leo had a paper of notes and the meeting was amazing I than him for being such a big help today. 

On a seperate note Kathy is acting strange but I don't what to know just yet why. That would add more to my plate and I don't think I need to get involve just yet. I will keep an eye on Kathy but this Melanie situation has taken up way too much of my time and I just wish whatever is up with her she would just come clean already and tell us. I don't think I can take anymore but only God knows how much I can take. I still haven't talk to her yet but when I do you will be the first person I tell.

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