~ Chapter 8 ~

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Rose arrived at Melanie doorstep hoping that she was having a good day today because she really didn't feel like dealing with her shit today. She rang the doorbell Melanie open the door and is surprise to see Rose.

"May I help you?" Melanie ask

"No hi or good afternoon for me Mel?" Rose ask

"No what do you want?" Melanie ask

Rose hates when Melanie acts like this. She must of not gotten up on the wrong side of the bed.

"So I heard that you are fighting with Kathy now." Rose said

"Yeah it has nothing to do with you so you can turn around now and leave. Me and Kathy have this under control." Melanie told Rose

"No so fast Melanie what is going on with you and why do you want to pick fights with people who are only trying to help you?" Rose

"The only people who can help me are my family and they are doing the best they can so butt out!" Melanie yell

Rose doesn't want to get Melanie upset but clearly this is a very sensitive subject and of course whatever is going on with her is probably eating her alive that she can't tell her friends. That is going to change because Rose is going to get Melanie to tell her what is wrong with her today and right now.

"Mela I need to know what wrong with you and don't lie to me either. You know I hate when people lie and I know something wrong because you are acting very out of character even for you. I know you notice it and I promise I won't tell just tell me what is so bad that you can't tell anyone what's wrong with you. How bad is it whatever you have? I need you to be completely honest with me because I am driving myself crazy at night worrying if I will see you the next day and I really don't like living like this. Are you mad at Kathy because she trying to get an answer out of you. You are making the whole group nuts over what's wrong with you. I do hope you know that because to make a bunch of people go insane over one person is just crazy. Sooner or later someone is going to lock all of us up because we will lose our minds over you. So just spit it out because I'm going to stop caring and that the last thing you want me to do because it will destroy our friendship and I know that is not what you want." Rose said

Well Melanie could hide it any longer from Rose because she made a very good case and she really doesn't want to do this but Rose has put her in a corner and there is nowhere for her to run. This is so unfair and all she wants is people to leave her alone but she doesn't want her friends to go crazy over her so here goes nothing.

"Rose i'm dying." Melanie told her friend

Rose couldn't believe what Melanie just told her. There must be a mistake in what Rose just heard Mela told her.

"Come again." Rose said

Melanie told Rose to come in and sit on the sofa while she explain why she couldn't tell anyone.

"Rose I need you to be okay. I've known about this for a while and I don't know when I will go but I do know that I need you and the rest of the gang to just stop bugging me okay. Katy knows about this she is the only person besides you who now knows. I can't go into details about what I have because my parents don't want to worry anyone they have done enough of that for a lifetime. The fight you guys saw was because of me and I already told my parents that they shouldn't have said what they said in front of you. Why because now everyone is trying to save our family and you guys don't even know from what. Don't try to save us we will be just fine okay. Why Kathy and I are fighting is because she doesn't want me to die and she made a point that I haven't been taking care of myself as well as I should. I'm not trying to make everyone goes crazy over me but I just can't let you guys be in pain either so I rather you guys be mad at me if that makes any sense. You have to promise me that you won't tell a single soul what I am telling you because as you see how things are going when you guys do find things out. It's just turns into a bigger mess so just keep this to yourself can you do that for me?" Mela ask

Rose had tears running down her face and all she wanted to do is hug and hold Melanie. She wish she could do something about whatever Mela had because she now knows how Kathy is feeling. Rose grab Mela and gave her a big hug and Mela hugged her back. The two women sat there hugging each other for a very long time once they got down hugging each other they didn't say anything to each other. Rose showed herself out and headed home.

Once Rose got home she went upstairs to her bedroom and got her diary out because she couldn't keep this to herself.


Dear Diary,

Today I went over to Mela house to figure out what the hell is going on with her and boy I really kind of regret trying to figure it out now. She told me she is dying but she didn't tell me from what. I don't want my best friend to die we still have still so much to do and she is so young. I want to tell the gang but I promise her that I wouldn't. The only other person who know about this is Kathy who is right now mad at Mela and I know why too. Kathy doesn't want Mela to die why didn't she just tell us this years ago. Oh wait she didn't want to worry us but the last couple of weeks have been hell trying to figure out what is going on with her and I just wish I could wish her illness away but I know I can't I just wish I knew how much more time we had with her.

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