Days pass into weeks as they stay at T's private island resort. Away from everything. Away from the turmoils, tumults and Talithas of the world. We spend the days on the beach watching the crystalline Hrogar waters flow and drinking Ciprhanic mimosas (which are very good!). I got a pretty wicked tan. We would walk along the shoreline hand-in-hand and pick oysters. In the evenings we would have bonfires and hang out with the locals that we befriended. At one of the island dances he led me to a flowered hill covered in crimson candles. That was where he got on one knee and asked me to make him the happiest man in the world. I was so surprised I almost forgot to say anything at all (and blink!).
I also almost passed out because I forgot to breathe. He gave me the biggest diamond ring I have ever seen in my life. I can't close my fingers all the way it's so big. Zinn appears again in my dreams and he congratulates me on my wedding. "See, I told you that you are strong. Remember to never lose hope. That ring necklace will always be a reminder." He smiles. I thank him for all his help tears in my eyes. "Zinn... who are you really?" I ask. He smiles, his green eyes flashing. He says nothing and only keeps smiling his Buddhic smile. "Who are you?" I ask again as the dream begins to fade... We had our first wedding on the island of Dinsdon. My wedding dress was so white it hurt to directly look at in the sun. The train of the dress was so long I tripped and ate it majorly a few times. My parents and relatives were flown in first class. Oh, and Gloria and Jo were there! They brought dates.
Those nice gentlemen that they had met at the masquerade ball. In a few months' time they would be married as well. I walked down the long weathered steps of the altar and said my vows to T. And we wed there on the 20th of September. The day burned hot and the birds above honked their congratulations as they flew on by. Our second wedding was in the Capitol. And boy was it extravagant! In many countries when a prince marries a commoner he must give up his princedom and become a duke. Not in Ciprahn. He holds his title and the bride becomes a princess! I was so shocked when I found out I started choking on the muffin I was eating and guards had to rush in and give me the Heimlich. We rode down the royal motorcade waving to the citizens who were wishing us well.
I thought I did pretty well considering I didn't really know what I was doing. I only threw up once out of nervousness. They led us into the Grand Chapel. Extravagant chandeliers hung overhead. Stained glass windows shot rainbows of color throughout the room like a Pink Floyd concert. T looked so posh and handsome in his uniform and all his royal medals. He was a dashing figure to behold. He was all smiles all day but I could tell he was as overwhelmed as I was. That oddly comforted me. I about went bonkers trying to remember all of the customs and traditions that I had to follow. I was almost too afraid to do anything for fear of breaking some old taboo or protocol! I had to memorize the names and titles of dozens of royals and aristocrats I had never met in my life.
I waved to and pretended to remember the names of countless bureaucrats. Before God and the people T and I proclaimed our love for each other forever November 9th. The poem he wrote made me ugly cry. I have never been so happy in my life. My heart bursts at the seams with love. I can't believe I'm allowed to be this happy. I'm walking on air. The reception was grand like everything else was that day. Champagne and diamonds. Laughs and cheers. Smiles and goodwill. It was as if hope itself had returned to the people of Ciprahn. The coming of new better age. The taste of better things to come. The prince had found love! And the country had found its' heart again. A bit overwhelmed by the festivities T and I briefly retired to an empty wing of the palace, all talked out from speaking with people all day. We simply took each other's hands and danced the way we danced the night we first met each other.
We drew one another close and felt the warm embrace coalesce and meld us together. We moved as one as fingers knitted with fingers and arms and legs bobbed and swayed to the invisible music of our hearts. We spun and dipped and jumped and styled. We looked deep into each other's eyes. One heart, one mind one soul. Together forever. Now, on our wedding day. And forever after. When things seem dim and scary, remember there is always love. There is always a bright new day coming just over the horizon. All adversities can be overcome. For all the terrible things that happen, there is still much good in the world. T and Cass found love. And so will you. True love conquers all.
The End :)
Dance of Ciprahn
RomanceIf you love cute, slow-burn romances with princes and royalty you'll love this tale! Did you binge-watch the royal wedding? I think you'll enjoy my story! Cass is just a normal girl trying to make it in the world. Jaded by the real world and past fa...