I need to tell you something

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my first onehshot rewritten
TW: homophobic slur
Someone gently shakes my shoulder, immediately waking me up from my lunch time nap.

"I'm going to tell him," I say, not for any particular reason. I look over to see who woke me up, shit.

"What?" Eddie says, squinting.

"I-um- I'm coming over tonight to fuck your mom," I exclaim, this is awkward.

"Shut up, dick wad," he slaps my shoulder before opening up his paper bag and taking out the sandwich.

Todays the day. I'm going to tell him. I can't hold back these feelings any longer I might go insane.

"Eds?" I ask, what am I thinking? I sit my chin on my hand.

"Don't call me that," he stated, taking a bite.

Should I do it? Fuck fuck fuck, "I was wondering if-"

"Hey g-guh-guys!" Bill while taking a seat at the table along with Stan.

Damn it.

"Hey," I answered. They begin to chatter, Eddie turning his head to me.

"What were you going to say, Chee?" He asks, gosh that nickname makes me melt, wonder what it'd sound like if he called me babe.

"Uh-Never mind." But I shouldn't risk ruining our friendship.

He shrugs his shoulders and grabs the apple out of his lunch bag, "Eat this."

I roll my eyes playfully, "I'm fine, Eds."

"What have you eaten today then?" He questions me, tilting his head a little bit to the right. I don't say anything and he bops my nose with his finger, I blush, "Exactly. You need to eat something."

I groan, "I'll eat later, it's okay-"

He grabs my free hand and places the apple in my hand, his cheeks are tinted, what? "Just eat it."

I take a dramatic bite out of it, "Are you happy, your majesty?"

He smiles, "Very," and continues eating.

Beverly and Ben finally arrive at the table, both giddy and happy. They sit down next to each other, by Eddie.

I look over to them, taking a bite of my apple, "What the shits up with you guys?"

They both blush and Ben scratches his head. He clears his throat, "Nothing much."

Mike comes to the table and sits down, "Nothing my ass, you guys were all smiles in the hallway."

Bev rolls her eyes, "Fine you fucking stalkers, Ben and I are together."

Eddie just claps in response and goes back to eating. While the others go around giving congrats and cheers. No one is surprised.

"Woah, really?" I smirked.

"Fuck off!" Bev sang jokingly, making us all laugh.

Soon it was the end of lunch and we all left to go to our classes, I'm now sitting in biology and I feel jealous. I want something like Ben and Bev have, I want to have something like that with Eddie. God, that was so cheesy, but it's true as much as I hate to admit it.

I just wish I could live in some reality where I knew for sure if Eddie were gay, or just had any sort of attraction towards me, and we'd already be together. It's just so hard having a crush on your best friend, who happens to be a guy and you don't even know his sexuality. Everything can go to complete shit or just cupcakes and unicorns.

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