First Day

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request from: lucybevibing
please point out my typos, i didn't want to proof read😛

It's the first day of first grade for little Eddie Kaspbrak and Mrs. Kaspbrak is freaking out. She paces around the house, checking three times to make sure Eddie has everything while he sits in his chair eating a waffle. His father sits in front of him, worried and kind of scared of her.

Sonia insisted their son be homeschooled like she had done the year before, but Frank didn't want her to to through that again, and neither did he want to hear it. The year before Eddie would be constantly fussing when he decided he didn't want to cooperate anymore, he couldn't take that again. Hearing Eddies shouts in the morning made him insane, he could never understand how and why Sonia could want to do it again.

As he watches her panic, he begins to regret that decision.

"Sonia, you're scaring Eddie. Calm down, everything will go fine," he says while she looks through his back pack again.

She places the bag back down onto the floor by the door and rubs her face. "I'm sorry, dears. I'm just worried."

Frank gives her a warm smile and looks over to Eddie, who's swinging his feet under the table with his khakis and red polo shirt. His hair swooped to the side and lighting up sneakers. He looked preppy, but he was undeniably adorable.

"He'll be okay," he reassures her again, standing up and walk over to put his coffee mug in the sink, "I'm still taking him, correct?"

She softly chews on her nail, "Yes, I'm going to ball if I see him walk into that classroom."

Eddie giggles and stands up from his seat, "I'm a big boy now, mommy!" His hands on his hips, making him feel like superman.

She laughs along with him and holds her arms out, signaling him to come give her a hug. Eddie smiles wide and runs into her arms. "Okay, promise me you'll be careful and to wash your hands! I don't want you bringing home any nasty germs."

"Yes, mommy," Eddie mumbles into her stomach.

Sonia lets him out of her embrace and wipes her watery eyes. She bends over and grabs his backpack and puts it over his shoulder. "Let me take some pictures before you go," she sniffles and walks over to kitchen table to grab the camera by Frank.

He groans, "You already took some by the stairs!"

Frank and Sonia laugh as she walks back over, "It's just one more, now smile!"

He puts on an exaggerated smile while the camera clicks a couple times, she sniffles and wipes her eyes once again. "Okay, all done."

Frank walks over and wraps his arm around her, "It'll be okay, he's just growing up."

She takes a deep breath and nods her head, "Okay, okay," he unwraps his arm as Eddie opens the door, "Love you, Eddie-bear!"

He looks back and smiles,"Love you, too!"

Frank walks out the door after him, keys in his back pocket. Unlike his wife, he was actually pretty excited for Eddie. It warmed his heart to see his son growing up.

They get into the car and he turns on the engine. He looks back to Eddie, "Let's roll."

The 8 minute car ride consisted of Eddie giggling and rambling the whole time. He was excited, but a little nervous. He wasn't sure what to expect.

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