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request from elliskap07 and tw: use of slur
someone give a better title plz

"I have to walk home by myself, again?"

Richie puts his phone back in his pocket and opens his locker to pack up his backpack, "Yes, me and Stan need to finish this project."

I put my back on the locker, my head turned toward him, "It's so boring walking alone," I whine.

He pulls his backpack over his shoulder, shuts the locker and turns to me, "I'm flattered, but you know how Mr. four eyes is."

I snort, "You can't insult him for having glasses when you do to."

He puts his hand on his face, "Damnit, I thought I was wearing contacts today."

I laugh as Richie chuckles. Stan walks over, "What are you idiots laughing over?"

"Richie thought-"

"So, Stan, we better get going!" Richie says with a smirk.

I punch his shoulder, "Jack ass."

Stan smiles, "We'll see you later, don't forget the sleepover!"

I nod and they walk down the hall to the front exit, since it's faster to get to the library from there. I walk down the hallway and out the doors. It's a nice day out today, the cool fall breeze. I like the fall, it's the nicest season. The weather isn't too intense and it's beautiful outside.

I continue to stroll down the sidewalk, hearing the birds tweet quietly in the distance. I turn the corner to be pushed harshly to the ground. I groan and try to stand back up, but a hand beats me and grabs the back of my shirt. Henry.

"What do you want, Bowers?" I turn my head to him and pull myself out of his grip, turns out his whole group is here. This is just fucking annoying.

He grabs my shirt once again, only this time its the front, and pulls me forward. "I want you to stop being a fucking fag! All is see you and your little boyfriend talking, no one wants to see that shit."

I roll my eyes, "We're not dating." I can't stop my heart from fluttering at the idea of us being together. He pushes me back and I fall back into Patrick and Belch, they hold my arms back so I can't move.

"Then why are you blushing, fairy?" He pulls his arm back and harshly punches my cheek. I yelp as him and his friends laugh. I try to get out of their grip, but it's no use. Their so much stronger than me.

"Fuck off!" Why can't Richie be here?

He pulls back his fists again but this time hits my nose, I shriek and kick my foot up, hitting his balls. He tumbles back, holding his groan. The two holding me back immediately let go. This is my chance and I run as far as I can down the sidewalk.

"Get back here you fucking bitch!" Henry shrieks, "Why did you let go of him, dumb asses?"

I laugh, immediately hit with the pain in my nose. Fuck, how do I hide this? I slow down now that I've turned the corner and I'm getting closer to my house. My mom's going to freak out.

I wipe the blood off my nose from the punch, probably smudging more. Fucking damn it, Henry. I probably won't be able to hang out with the losers later.

My feet drag on the ground as I get closer to home and soon enough it sits in front of me. I wasted a good 10 minutes stalling, and I can feel my phone buzzing in my pocket from my moms texts repeatedly. I sigh, walk up the steps and open the door.

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