Wish you were sober

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Inspired by Wish you were sober by Conan Gray

this is alyssa like 7 months later, pelase dont read this, its so bad, its so cringey idk wtf i was on to make this, terribke terrible terrible

I push my locker shut with my backpack on my shoulder. I lean against it, hugging a book to my chest.

"Again Rich? C'mon, how about a sleepover or something," I say with a smile on lips.

He rolls his eyes playfully and switchs his backpack from one shoulder to the other, "Please Eds! We had a sleepover last week with the losers. And this will be the second party of the year you've come to," he gives me puppy dog eyes, "Please?"

I push myself off the locker and shove his shoulder, trying to hide my smile but failing,   "I hate you."

We start to walk outside the school, heading towards his Rover, "Soooo, is that a yes?"

I cross my arms and look away, "Maybe..."

He jumps up and down quickly and runs to the car to open my door, "After you, my Spaghetti. I'll be picking you up at 9 tonight."

I get in the car and close my door while he travels to his side, "What about my mom?"

"Pfft, don't act like you've never snuck out," Richie chuckles out, we strap our seatbelts.

I sigh dramatically, "If I get caught, I'm blaming your ass."

"Like that'll happen," and just like that, we start driving away.


I shuffle through my closet looking for something to wear. I hate parties but I love Richie, if there's a chance to hang out with him, I'll take it. You never know what can happen, maybe something crazy will happen and we'll end up together. It's pathetic, I know. But it's not like I can stop my feelings. I don't a chance with him, so the most I can do is day dream and sit as close as I can to him without it being weird.

I don't even know if Richie's gay! I haven't even told him I'm gay, but, it's kinda obvious. The only person I've really told is Bev, but only because she asked.

I pull out my demin light blue ripped jeans and put them on. I shuffle through my clothes some more to find yellow shirt with a sunflower. I slip it over my head before tucking it in and putting on a belt. I go to my mirror and look at myself.

"Damn I look good," I whisper to myself.

I walk over to my door and open it, "I'm going to bed Mommy!" I shout.

"Alright Eddie-Bear! You took your pills and brushed your teeth?" She shouts back.

I roll my eyes, "Of course, Mama!"

"Do I get a kiss, Eddie?" C'mon, she had to ask this now?

"Um, not tonight! I'm very tired," I add a fake, loud yawn right afterwards.

She sighs, "Fine, goodnight my baby!"

"Night," I shut my door and lock my door just in case. I grab my phone from the bed stand and see a message from Rich.

Chee: I'm here!! :)

I then her a tap on my window making my jump slightly. I put my phone in my pocket, along with my keys, before going to the window and opening it. I see Richie waving from the ground wildly with a grin, he drops the pebbles in his hand to the ground.

I look at him and put a finger over my lips, signalling to him to be quiet. He nods and I  climb down from the window.

Once I get down and look at him. His wearing black skinny jeans, usual Hawaiian shirt and his curls wild. Hate to say it, but he looks hot.

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