I miss you

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"Hey, Richie. It's Eddie, you remember me? Your best friend, you probably know that. Well, it's been months since you left. Almost a year! I know lifes better now with you, but as much as I hate to admit it, I miss you. I miss your stupid nicknames and jokes. I miss when you and I would go out late at night or dance in the rain. God, I'm pathetic.

I know why you left, and it makes sense. Everyone wants a good life. I just wish you told us before you left. Gave us a warning, not just a note saying you're leaving. But what I really wish is you took me with you.

You're an adult, you can make your own choices. I shouldn't be upset and maybe a little mad. I just want you to know I would've been more than happy moving to Cali with you. And going to UCLA, getting away from my crazy mom. It would've been nice just being with you.

I don't want you feeling guilty for your decisions, but then again that's what I'm making this letter make it seem like I'm trying to do. Fuck, I'm sorry. I needed to get my thoughts out and this was the only way I could think to do.

It'd mean a lot of you wrote back, but I understand if you don't.

Sincerely, Ed's"

I toss my letter into the mail box and walk back inside my house. This was a stupid idea. He's not going to write back and it'll be a waste of time. He's going to hate me after he reads it.

Maybe he just wont get it if I send it? I'm just sending it to the college anyway. It might get mixed up with other letters and they won't end up giving it to him. So why am I being such a pussy?

I go up to the kitchen to get a glass of water. I need to calm down. I look out my window and see the mailbox. It stares at me. This is probably a very bad idea.

I groan, why am I over thinking this?

"Eddie-Bear! Are you alright?" My mom shouts from the living room.

I sigh, "Yes mommy!" I say with irration.

"Come over here, Eddie! You're acting strange," she says. Why does she care so much? I'm fucking 19.

I walk over to the living room and stand by the entrance, "I'm fine," I smile, "See?"

She glares at me, "Edward, why are being disrespectful? Did you take your pills? You're in my house so you will respect me."

"I would gladly leave your mother but you won't let me. You keep me in this house and make me feel guilty when I think about leaving, I want to be free, mother, I want to see the world. But I can't because I'm stuck here. I'm an adult for God's sake." I say with a fake smile on my face. Writing that letter gave me a little bit of confidence.

"Go to your room, now and stop disrespecting me, boy."

"Sure,"I grab my car keys before walking up the stairs. I reach the door and close it with a soft click. I'm already having a bad day, she doesn't need to add onto it.

I go to my window and look at the tree by my window then the ground. I take a deep breath and climb out the window, shaking slightly. I slowly get over to the tree and climb down. I smile to myself, "Not so bad, Eddie."

I walk over to the car dusting my hands on my shorts. I hop into the car and start it. I back out the driveway and drive. I don't know where I'm going. All the losers left to go college besides Mike. But I know he's busy on the farm. It wouldn't hurt to try and talk to him.


"What?" Mike asks confused.

Mike and I came to the diner. He had just finished up his work on the farm and was hungry.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2022 ⏰

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