anniversary pt.2

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I walk out and I run to the car, get in and slam the door. Mike stays inside, I can hear his yelling loud and clear. He's pissed.

I rest my head on the wheel and begin to cry. I can't believe it. Richie, the man that I trust, care for, love, just hurt me. On our anniversary and with fucking El? I know that he's bisexual, but I thought he loved me. Five years of my life down the drain.

I lift my head up and see Richie trying to push past Mike. Richies shouts while tears go down his cheek , "Let me go Mike! I need to talk to Ed's, please!" His voice cracking at the end.

Mike shouts even louder, "Get the fuck away from him Richie! You hurt me and him! You too, El? What the fuck is wrong with you guys! It's even your anniversary! I'm fucking done with the bullshit." Mike walks to the car and gets in, El shouts behind him, begging him to come back.

"Drive, please. Anywhere but here." I back out the driveway while Richie starts to chase out the car, but soon gives up.

"Fucking hell!" I shout and hit the horn multiple times. Tears rush down my cheeks. Mike put his head in his hands and starts to cry as well. I wipe my tears away. "S-So? Should we go to a hotel?"

Mike nods his head before removing his hands, "Yeah, I'll pay for it."

More tears slide down cheeks again. I ignore them and keep driving to a close hotel. "What a great anniversary."


We've stopped at a Walgreens to get essentials. We're going to stay at a hotel for two days or so, so we'll have to book him a flight home and me to figure out where I'll go. Richie and I split the rent of our house, so if I leave the house he'll just pay the whole thing. He's got a good job so I'm not that worried. I might just get a small apartment to stay in.

I turn the corner and see Mike,"You got everything?" I ask.

"Think so," he says and I smile and nod.

We walk to the self checkout,"I'm paying since your buying the room."

He looks at me confused,"I dont remember agreeing to that."

I laugh and take his basket from his hand and start to check it out. "And? The room is more expensive than this, so just let me pay for it."

He shrugs his shoulders, "Your anniversary was ruined because of my brother and my girlfriend."

I roll my eyes and scan my own items, "You cant feel bad for something you didn't do."

"Just let me p-," I swipe my card. I shrug my shoulders and give him a bag. He grunts and we walk back to the car.

I make my way to the hotel and he keeps blabbering and blabbering on how he should've paid, but it goes through one ear out the other. He's acting like I bought the most expensive thing for him.

We arrive at the hotel and I hop out and bring our bags and he beings his bag and suitcase. We get to the front desk, he pays and we head up. By then it's sunset.

"You want anything to eat?" He asks and flops on the bed.

I get onto mine, grab a pillow and hug it. "Nah."

He sighs. "Eddie, I get that this a lot to take in, for both of us, but you can't starve yourself. I heard your stomach growling on the way here."

I mumble into my pillow. "I'm fine, I promise I'll eat later."

He sits up and grab the keys."I'm going to get some food, I'll bring you something and you better eat it."

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