Sadie Kane and Nico Di Angelo fanfiction

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Sadie Kane and Nico Di Angelo fan fiction note: this is a fanfiction that sticks to the characters pretty well but has some tweeks also; (such as an age difference Nico is in the same grade as Jason and Sadie even though if these were sticking to the books he wouldnt be).   Ad it is rated pg-13 (it was G but it will change later on in this fanfiction)

Sadie p.o.v.

         I woke up to the sound of my alarm but I let it go off and refused to get up.  I didn’t want to go to school today but Carter insisted that I would go to school this year so I am.  Finally I got up and got ready for school I was almost out the door ready for the first day and I realized I almost forgot my colored streaks in my hair.  I added them as fast as I could and was out the door with some of the other people from the 21st Nome.  Walt and I were talking about what classes we think we are going to be in I hope I have all of my classes with him.  When we arrive at the school we go and get our schedules and we have nothing together well that was the end of me having classes with anyone I know since every other person in the 21st Nome unfortunately are in a different grades so I walk into my first class alone.  Science if anyone didn’t know is my least favorite subject it isn’t fun to me and naturally I grab a seat in the back of the class and when there are not any seats left this guy with really pale skin, black hair and a skull ring that was actually pretty cool but not my stylesits next to me.  He looked like one of those kids who didn’t bother making friends and avoided people all day long, naturally me being me wanted to see what was below the surface and get to know the guy.  Wait a minute he looks just like Anubis is this some sort of trick?  Am I being tested?  “Anubis?”




“…Nothing. You just look like this guy I know.”


“Oh. Okay.”


“I’m Sadie Kane, by the way.”


“…Nico di Angelo.”


He obviously wanted this conversation to end but I needed more than a name to start with.  “So why brings you to a New York school?”  (Yes I live in Brooklyn but go to school in NY).  He didn’t answer just stared at me but I stared back “well”?  “Well what I don’t have to answer to you”.  I was shocked; no person had said or done anything like that to me before.  (Well except for Carter).  So there I was just staring at him and the bell rang, I have never seen a person leave a classroom so fast I wondered if we had any other classes together I hope we do I need to find out the mysteries he is hiding from everyone here; they may not see it but my gut always know and so I’m going with it. 


I got to my next class and to my happy surprise there he was sitting in the back with no one sitting next to him on both sides looks like one of those seats will be mine.  I needed to get to that seat before anyone else there were only a few seats left so I need to hurry.  I tried to pry my way through people as best as I could and then I realized that one of the seats was taken by a tall kid with blonde hair surprisingly Nico was actually talking to him.  what the heck what is going on Nico didn’t want to talk to anyone but now out of nowhere he is talking to some random kid; the nerve!  If he was going to talk to anyone it would be me I need to figure him out as soon as I can.  I finally pushed my way through and I sat down next to him but he didn’t even notice since he was still talking to that other person.  Our teacher walked in and finally he sat forward and then he noticed me, he didn’t seem too pleased but that wasn’t my problem.  I thought I saw the blonde kid tense when the teacher walked in but I could have just imagined it because this kid didn’t look like a magician so I’m pretty sure I just imagined it.


And I would know if Nico was any trouble he doesn’t seem like it to me, yet at the same time he does his friend that he is talking to too.  Class was over rather fast this time but that’s what happens on the first day of school.  One more class till its lunch time; and then I’m going to get some more answers.  I didn’t have y next class with Nico which wasn’t the best thing for me but, he probably thought of as a relief.  This time class couldn’t be any slower.  Finally 3rd period was over thank goodness.  Not only did I want some answers but I was starving because I skipped breakfast.  I looked all around for Nico and I couldn’t see him with anyone and then I noticed a table all the way on the other side of the room with one person sitting at it all alone.  Nico.  I started walking over to him and when iwas getting closer he noticed me and wasn’t too happy about me coming over. 


“you know I really am not in the mood to talk to you” he said and then he looked around me to look for someone probably that guy from earlier.                

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