part 3

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                  Nico p.o.v.

Things were started getting really weird I mean Ive seen a lot of weird things before but this guy just appeared out of thin air and acted as if it was nothing.  Who is this guy and why can he shadowtravel too?  He started fighting with Sadie and when he said something about mentioning having someone with her I panicked and I started running now I know for a demigod that seemed really lame but I needed to shadowtravel away and I don’t know what they are so I couldn’t do it in front of them.  Gosh no wonder that girl was asking so many questions she just needed to know how to break me or something.  Sadie followed me and she was a lot faster than me and was catching up real fast I had to think of something I figured a minor shake of the ground beneath her would make her trip and fall without any injuries so that’s what I did and I was right but then when I looked back to see if she was back up I ran into something, well someone her brother Carter was right in front of me.  I starting turning around to run again but Sadie was already there.  “You-“.  She was out of breath so she was panting when she got it back she started again.  “You just need to hear us out please we wont hurt you”.  I stood there prepared for something bad to happen but nothing did.  “Nico ive been following you because-“ I made the ground shake just a minor shake to make them fall but not enough that anyone else would notice I started running again looking for a back street so I could shadowtravel out of here already.  Sadie was really fast again she started to catch up to me I needed a way to stop her more than just tripping her but what?  Im getting a blank I guess ill just have to keep tripping her.  So I did but now she expects it and so I need something else.  Come on Di Angelo think!  Nothing Ill just have to keep trying to trip her.  What if I opened up the ground just enough to make a ditch she cant get out of without her brother.  And when I looked back I saw Carter running to help her but he was staring at me the whole time he did.  i finally got to a back street that was empty but I used a lot of my strength so I didn’t know if I could shadowtravel to camp yet.  I knew they could arrive at any second especially when Carter can Shadowtravel like I can.  “Nico please just hear us out listen those little earthquakes that happened only on us and then that ditch appeared that wasn’t just a coincidence you made those happen.  I know is hard to believe but-“.  “Leave me alone im not in the mood for your games” i was so angry these people I just met today think they can tell me what I am.  I couldn’t help it I made an earthquake happen nothing to bring any buildings down but every person fell except me.  “NIco stop this you making an earthquake you have to calm down”!  I couldn’t let them think that I was anything or whatever they thought so I had to improvise.  “I don’t believe you Sadie, somehow you are doing this and I am sick of these games” the earthquake got stronger the more I said.  “Nico calm down or else you will start causing damage to things and people could get killed”!  Carter was yelling over and over again.  “I am not doing this you are now leave me alone”!  And with that I left them on the ground unable to get up I stopped the earthquake when I was out of there sight so they couldn’t find me now I really was to weak to shadowtravel to camp so I decided just to find a nice place for the night.  Well when you’re a demigod a nice place during a quest could mean anything without monsters so that’s what I found.  I slept in an ally and when I woke up I was at camp in my cabin when I realized they must have had a search party or something and that it was time to get up and get ready for school.   Will Sadie be there today?  I hope not that would be terrible. 

Sadie p.o.v.

        Nico is a magician I should have known I knew he was suspicious.  He is a really strong magician too but he wouldn’t listen to me and Carter so what do I do at school now when I see him?  “Carter?”   “Yea.”  “What do I do at school today if I see Nico?”  “Well we have to tell him about magicians and everything,  you saw what he did yesterday he is really powerful and we have to get to him before something bad happens.”  “But what if he wont even talk to me?  I wouldn’t be surprised.”  “We have to get through to him find out where he lives and we can talk to him together.”  “Slight problem with that he refuses to tell me that’s why we were walking around so much yesterday he refused to go home with me knowing where he would live."“Maybe he knows but he refuses to believe it.”  “Or he just thinks me and you are crazy…well you because we both know im not crazy.”  “Whatever just don’t mention anything about yesterday and just try to keep a low profile.”  “Fine ill see you later bye.”  The walk to school was quiet me and Carter didn’t mention to anyone about Nico in the worry of worrying them.  So why are they so quiet today?  “Why is everyone so quiet today?”  No one bothered answering what the heck is going on?  Did Carter tell them without me knowing?  “Will someone please answer me?”  “Sadie we heard you and Carter talking last night.”  It was Walt who spoke up.  “Oh” was all I could manage to say.  So they heard about the new magician who refuses to listen to us.  “Do you want us to beat him up and make him listen to you?”  Some of the kids started planning how to help me and Carter.  “No you guys its ok me and Carter got a plan we just need you guys to go to school and learn.”  So everyone knew we were trying to get this other magician into the 21st Nome but what was going to happen today when I see Nico?  I think I should just avoid him until I have a plan.  When we arrive at the school we all say our goodbyes and head off to class I cant even think of how bad today is going to be  if Nico even shows up, would it be that bad if he didn’t. 

So kind of a lame chapter in my opinion but, I need to get this story started um sorry about the random font change that happens randomly throughout the text I cannot stop it.  Hope you enjoy I will be updating next Wednesday or sooner.                              




Sadie Kane and Nico Di Angelo fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now