Part 8

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A/N Here's the deal im posting this chapter now and I will be posting a chapter that is ONE paragraph on Saturday. So you choose if you want to read this now or wait until the weekend when the other one is posted. -Hannah
Nico POV (friendly reminder that Nico and Mr. Reed just bumped into each other)
"Mr. Di Angelo before you go off to your next class I would like to inform you that you aren't doing so well in mine. I think you need to start coming in for tutoring before and after school. "Well if you insist on it sir than absolutely." "Yes I do so I'll see you after school at tutoring then?" "I would have to ask but yes sir I'll probably be there sir." "Good then I'll see you at tutoring," and with that he walked away. He was planning on making a move this isn't good we don't even know what kind of monster he is yet! What am I going to do?
The rest of the day was filled with worry, I don't worry very much but now I realize that I am Mr. Reed's target. Am I the only demigod that he realized? Or am I just his first target? Does he realize Jason and everyone else too? I have to warn the others.
Of course for the rest of the day I couldn't find anyone except Sadie but I couldn't talk to her but she insisted on talking to me but I had to go to tutoring which I use that as an excuse to get away from her and when I told her she didn't believe me. "you look like a very smart person Nico Di Angelo you do not need to go to tutoring!" "Yeah I will tell that to Mr. Reed, Sadie." I walked away but of course Sadie followed. She didn't stop following me and then when I finally got to do tutoring room otherwise known as Mr. Reed's classroom and went inside and sat down she continued following me.
"Ms. Kane I do believe that I have not told you that you need to be tutoring today." "Yes sir but I believe that I do." "Yes well your grades would say otherwise you need to go home Ms. Kane." I almost snickered but didn't Sadie reluctantly got up and let. "Now then Mr. Di Angelo let's see what you are struggling with," Out of nowhere Jason pops up into the room Mr. Reed didn't look to happy about that. "Mr. Grace what are you doing here?" "I came to get Nico sir you see his uncle just got into a car accident." Really Grace that was your excuse I can't believe this. "Do you have any proof of this?" "No sir the office just sent me to ge-" "Come back with some proof and then I can let him go I can't otherwise." "Yes sir."
"Now where were we?" Well if he wasn't sure now he must be positive im a demigod except he must think I don't know and Jason is here to get me. if anything he'll attack faster now. But nothing happened during the tutoring session why, I didn't know but nothing did maybe we were wrong about him and he just seemed off I mean he was really nice....
Jason POV
Nico is stuck with Mr. Reed alone!! I have to do something but he didn't believe me when I told him my story he was smart what am I going to do!!?? I guess I'll just wait here for him.
When Nico finally came out he looked untouched but something seemed off "Hey Nico how did things go in there?" "Everything went great Jason, as a matter of fact I think we're wrong about the whole monster thing he was very nice to me." What was Nico rambling about? Oh no! Mr. Reed did something to him I have to fix this. "Nico I think Mr. Reed did something to you to make you think like that." "Oh like what?" "Im not sure but something, like since you never care if people are nice to you or not." That stopped Nico in his tracks. "Wow thanks for that Grace." "Im just saying you have to remember he is a monster ok?" "Yea whatever."

A/N thanks for reading please vote/comment/share and all that stuff bye! -Hannah

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