|| Chapter 10: You Aren't Even Old Enough to Drive ||

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Authors Note: This is what I picture the O'Nally racetrack to look like, think footloose (the new one) when they're racing the buses. 


Things have not improved with my mother, my dad wouldn't tell me what the doctor's here said, so I'm assuming that it wasn't good news. He is flying with her to Cleveland Clinic to get a second opinion, and I'm sure he'll go somewhere else to get a third, maybe even a fourth opinion. 

I don't think the news about my mother's health is what my father wanted to hear, so he's going to keep getting opinions till he hears something he likes. I really have no idea what is going on, they have kept me out of the loop. Most likely, to 'protect' me but personally I would rather know.

Marcus and I have been hanging out more lately, but he's noticed something is off. As have my friends, but I glue a pretty smile on my face and brush it off as nothing. Because it is nothing, everything is going to be fine. I have slowly become and expert at shoving my worries out the window, and pretending that everything is okay. Even though, deep, deep down I know it's not. 

I have been sleeping over at the Vitales' house, while my parents have been gone. Which so far has only been for a week, but who knows how much longer they'll be away. Marcus is finally racing this weekend and has asked me to come. It's my third real date with him. 

I asked Emily to accompany me, since I didn't want to face O'Nally alone. It was just going to be her and I going since Aria is taking the long weekend to go shopping in Milan with Rey. Beckett, still hasn't been talking to me properly. Which has been hard because I am literally staying at his house. 

"I can't believe we're going down to the track, this is so surreal!"

I laugh, "I know, I hope what we're wearing fits the vibe there."

I look down at my white tank top, black ripped jean shorts, and my army green jacket, Emily is donning a pair of ripped jeans and a flannel which she has tied up. "I think it will," she says. I really hope she's right.

We stroll through the living room, and call out to Lee that we're leaving.

"Have so much fun girls! Please be safe while driving, and let me know when you're done at the movies!"

We snicker as we hop in her car, and start driving.

"I can't believe Lee bought our excuse, can you imagine if she knew where we were actually going?"

"She would have a legit aneurysm. I told her we were watching a double feature of some of her favorite noir films, so we'll have plenty of time at the track and she won't question if we come in a little later. One, because noir films take forever and two, because she's so happy we're watching them in the first place."

I go silent, the word aneurysm triggering me. Maybe that's been going on with mom? I start to fall down a rabbit hole, so I shake my head. No, not today. Everything is fine, there is nothing to worry about. 

So I plaster a smile on my face and reply, "you are an evil genius, Emily."

"Thank you very much, milady."

She pulls into a parking spot, "are you ready?"

I take a deep breath, "yeah let's go."

We start walking through the woods. It's a bit of a trek to get there, but there's a trail to follow so it's not too bad. When we reach, Emily tells me that she's hungry so we walk toward the food stall. I send Marcus a text letting him know that I'm here and where we are. We're about to pay for our snacks, when someone grabs my hips. I am spun around and pulled into a hug. 

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