A Nice Dinner

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Chinese food sat before us. None of us are great cooks, no pretending. So we just ordered dinner. Nash took on the freedom of bringing out the best silverware and plates we had though for some odd reason. I jut let him do what he wanted. I guess he feels like he's the host when people come over, it's weird.

We all sat in the living room somewhat awkwardly waiting for her. Besides our family and super close friends , people don't come over often and definitely not for dinner. I guess she is Carter's really close friend but he's never talked about her so I'm not sure exactly how close they are. Me and Nash only know so much about her though and she is coming over to our house.

"So is this like a date for Betthany and Cameron or is she just here as Carter's friend I'm confused." Nash looked over at Carter and I who both just shrugged. "Well I mean she only came when Cam asked her so I assume it's like a Date thing." I just nodded along with them. It is a little confusing to what exactly this is. Like is it a second date or what. "Is she coming over so you can sleep with her?" Nash let the question out and I could see the horror spread across Carter's face, who got to the question before me. "Oh god Gross they can not. Ahhh. I don't want to hear that don't ever do it while I'm here. I know you both and-". He was cut off by three loud knocks at the door. We all fell dead silent. I looked at the clock which read 6:15. She was right on time. Like on the dot. The only bad thing is I felt extremely tired after last nights events. It felt like it was nine already.

I began to stand up so I could answer it but Nash jumped up. Common to being host in charge I assume he thought he needed to answer the door. It just made the least sense for him out of all three of us to answer it because she doesn't know Nash at all. She may have talked to him that one day at Vinnys before I got there. But other than than I'm pretty sure they have never talked.

"Hello please do come in." Carter laughed quietly and shook his head at Nashs' mannerly tone. "This is our house. It's actually quite clean right now. I can take your jacket if you would like."

"Bee how have you been?" Carter stood up and opened his arms for her as soon as they came into view. You could literally see the relief wash over her face as she left Nash's side and hugged Carter. She then pulled away from him and looked up at me, a smile falling upon her face. It instantly softened her features. When she didn't smile her jaw was set and eyes looked so deadly and hot it gave me feverish chills to look into then. But when she smiled it just... I can't explain it. It was nice.

"Cameron, looking good." She went to hug me as well and she even placed a kiss on my cheek. She didn't even falter or hesitate in the moment but I was a little shocked. I saw Nash raise his eyebrows behind her.

"You look great yourself", I complimented her back. It was true of course. I wasn't just saying it to be nice.

"Well", she turned around so she could see everyone. But her back was to me. I of course had to look at her butt. I shook the images out of my head instantly though. "I can smell the food in here and I want to thank the cook In advance."

She pointed to each of us but we all shook our head. "We got it from a Chinese restaurant. None of us are the best cooks." She nodded and shrugged. "Well then thanks Carter. You're Asian, close enough."

I tried to fight back a laugh, but I fought and failed. Betthany and Nash laughed along with me. Carter just rolled his eyes and shook his head at us.

"Fuck all of you." He turned to go to the kitchen, Nash following behind him. I grabbed Betthanys hand as she went to leave and pulled her toward me a little. She looked surprised that I had touched her. I kinda, really really, wanted to kiss her. It just wasn't the right moment though. Nash and Carter were right in the other room and it was only our second or third time seeing one another, counting the day we met. We aren't even actually like seeing each other right now. I don't think.

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