What a friend

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Betthany's POV

I sat in the chair, the airport cold and strangers all around me. Finally I spotted him walking around the corner. I jumped up and he saw me.

"Carter how was North Carolina. Your parents ok?"

He hugged me tightly and pulled away smiling. "They were great. Mom actually asked me how you were liking it here. I told her you were liking it, but you are liking Cameron more."

I pushed him playfully and scoffed, "You ass."

I followed him to the baggage claim and thought. Should I tell him that I am exclusively seeing Cameron? He is my best friend.

"I'm dating Cameron actually. Well.. We aren't dating but we are. We just haven't labeled it."

He looked at me and rolled him eyes. " Doesn't surprise me. You can never just be simple when it comes to relationships can you."

I knew who he was talking about and shook my head. "We weren't in a relationship we were friends."

He nodded and handed me a bag to carry. "Yeah, friends that slept together. I'm sure Cam knows all about it right."

Carter was such an ass, my best friend, but an ass. "He hasn't told me anything about Leila yet."

Carter had told me. Before he in introduced me to Cameron he mentioned that Cam was broken. A girl name Leila had torn his heart out, as Carter had put it.

"That's totally different. Cameron loved Lelia and it was extremely hard for him to lose her."

"You make it sound like she died." I knew she hadn't. I don't know what went down with her and Cam. Carter made it clear it wasn't his business to tell me or anyone else.

"He acted like she did. But we aren't talking about Cameron right now. Lets talk about me."

I lead him to my car as he talked my ear off about North Carolina and his family. They were great, I had stayed in their house a few times when I had visited Carter.

When we got in my car my phone rang. It was Cameron. "Are you going to answer your boyfriend?", Carter teased.

I pushed him and told him to shush. I put it on speaker and sat it on the divider between me and Carter. I pulled out of the parking Lott and listened.

"Hey Betthany?" I saw Carter mocking Cam out of the side of my eye. "Yeah, what's up?"

I hit carter quickly and raised my eyebrows at him, giving him the stop acting like an idiot face.

"Have you got Carter yet?" I went to say yes but Carter, in a girly voice that surprisingly did sound like me, said "Not yet."

"Well when you do tell the idiot I said hello." I bit back my laugh "I will. Is that all?"

"I was also wondering if tomorrow you would want to come paint balling with Carter, Nash, Hayes, and I."

Paintballing? That's a little extreme isn't it. He's only asking though because he wants me to come I'm sure, he wants an adventurous girl.

"Yes that would be really fun. Sounds goo-" Carter cut me off but it wasn't his voice, is was loud and deeper than normal. Had a little Bronx accent to it too.

"Babe are you gonna come back to bed?" I instantly shot him an evil look. He was not about to play that game.

"Who was that?" Cameron said instantly. "It was-", Carter cut me off again.

"My name is Jack. Who the fuck are you."

I restrained from hitting Carter in the face. This was not a game I wanted to play right now.

"Jack?" Cameron questioned. I grabbed my phone and took it off speaker, putting it too my ear.

"That was Carter being an ass. I'm sorry." He was laughing to himself next to me. So irritating sometimes.

"We will be there in about fifteen ok. See you soon. Bye babe." I hung up without a retaliating goodbye.

I tossed my phone at Carter who was still laughing.

"That was not fucking funny."

Carter pouted and put his hand on my shoulder. "Oh loosen up Bee", he chuckled. "I'm sure Cam doesn't really believe you are sleeping with a Jack."

He's so fucking lucky I like him and know how to put up with my shit.


{This chapter isn't super important it's just like. It will make sense later. It's short and not big though so that's why I double updated. ~G }

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