Goodbye and Good Luck

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Betthany's POV

I popped another chicken nugget into my mouth as my eyes stayed glued to the TV screen. I was nearing the end of breaking bad season two. My phone lit up and I momentarily took a second to look at it and see Sammy had texted me yet again, apologizing.

Turns out he had been the one to let the details slip to Cameron. Honestly though he had no idea and Sammy has always been my friend. He never ceased contact with me and I love him for sticking with me. I can't really be that mad at him, it's impossible.

But I didn't feel like talking to him about it , or talking to him at all really. I wanted to loathe while watching breaking bad and eating chicken nuggets.

Just as another sex scene, with none other than Jane. Three loud knocks came from my front door.

I never get what I want.

I paused it and slowly made my way to my door.

Before my hand connected with the Handle, the person on the other side began to open it slowly.

I backed away somewhat startled until I saw who it was.

I couldn't feel happy or even sad.

I honestly just wanted to watch my show.

"Jack what are you doing here." He went to touch me, hug me it looked like, but stopped himself.

"Well hello to you too." He looked uncomfortable, which was odd.

Jack has never once looked uncomfortable in front of me. He is a very smooth guy, even when angry or sad.

"Don't be weird because I kissed you Jack. It's awkward. Now why are you here."

Honestly I was done. I was done crying and yelling. I was done being helpless and caring too much. My scars were covered and I was honestly just done.

I just want to be left alone.

"I Uhm. I'm not being weird because of that." He rubbed the back of his neck and just looked at me.

"And you're here because..."

"Because I need to talk to you ok. Last time we didn't get much in and you kissed me and I kinda ran. I need to know why Betthany. Why you kissed me and what is happening here."

I sighed and moved to the side. "Come in, we can talk I guess."

He followed me into the living room, his eyes landing on the TV. "What the heck are you watching."

It was still frozen in the middle of a sex scene. I turned it off and sat down. "Not important."

"So," he smiled "Why'd ya kiss me?"

I went to say something but stopped myself. Honestly, I didn't know why. What was I to tell him.

"Jack. You know that we can't. I know that we can't. I don't know why I kissed you, maybe because we were reminiscing and I just don't know."

He nodded and looked down at the floor. "I was foolish to think it was anything important. You never loved me before, what's going to change that now huh." He gave out a sad chuckled.

"Jack that's not true, I-", he quickly interrupted me.

"It is true Betthany. I don't want you to spare my feeling ok. I just needed to know."

True, I was never in love with Jack. I wanted to be but I was young and naive. Love scared me, I didn't want anyone to have that power over me.

If I hadn't been so stubborn ad afraid things might be different now.

But though I wasn't in love with him I always did love him. He was worth a lot to me. He still is Even today.

"Jack. I know that when I left you I did so in a cold and unfair way ok. You did not do deserve that. I was scared. But I have not changed my mind. I want what's best for you am I am not that."

He shook his head "Don't go sounding like Leila now. Saying it's all your fault and I'm too good for you. I'm not in high school anymore, we are adults here. Be serious with me please, be straightforward."

He looked so hurt it was hard to talk to him. Now his physical pain seemed to match his emotion.

"Jack, straightforward, the kiss was an accident. I do not want to be with you ok. And I mean that in the kindest way. I want you to be happy but truly I can't be that person you share everything with. There's nothing, not now or ever again."

"Is it because you love Cameron," he said without a moment if hesitation. It took me back Slightly and I paused a moment before getting my words out.

" Cameron came into my life far to quickly, we were set up. Our liking for one another was a stroke of luck. But it is not love."

Jack pursed his lips at me and shook his head. "Do you know what the word Serendipity means?"

I shook my head, I was never the best with vocabulary.

"Serendipity is the occurrence or development of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

You met Cameron, and this stroke of luck you seem to call it was in fact Serendipity. From your first date, to now, everything that is happening is Gods plan of serendipity for you Betthany. You need to get back out there to him, and let him be your happiness. Stop denying your love for him and continue to let your development with Cameron occur. It says so in the definition it will be in a happy or beneficial way."

While Im pretty sure he just pulled all that shit right out of his ass, I couldn't help but take his words into account.

"Now Bee, I must leave. I want you to know as I said before that I do forgive you. I want you to be happy more so than you wish for me to be. So, goodbye and good luck."

Then Jack left and I didn't see him again for a very very long time.

And as much as I hate to admit it, a weight had been lifted off my shoulders knowing our past was forgiven and permanently our past.


{ I know this goodbye isn't terribly sentimental as some of you may thought it was going to be , but honestly Bee is dines with mess and Jack knows he needs to move on wether he likes it or not. So it wasn't that heart felt ~G}

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