Nash Knows Best

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Cameron's POV

Nash pulled away from my wrapped and busted knuckles.

"Thanks man."

It was one in the morning. I of course couldn't sleep and Nash, being the greatest friend a guy could ever have, was right here awake with me.

"What are we going to tell people when they see me and Jack both all beaten and bruised?"

People were going to freak the fuck out. They would fight each other over me and Jack. It would be terrible.

"I don't know. We can say you guys were on the same side of the fight so there's no drama." I nodded. Of course. Nash was smart. That was a simple fix I hadn't thought of.

"You know Carter came home crying and wouldn't talk to anyone. Hayes went in there and he yelled at Hayes to leave," Nash said it worryingly.

I had sent Carter to tell Betthany I was done with it all.

I know it's not really her fault like I had told Carter. It was mine. I overreacted. But the fact that I attacked one of my best friends is overwhelming and clearly means that she is going to, as a whole, have a negative effect on my life.

But I don't know why he was crying about it. He didn't actually break up with her, I did.

"Why do you think he's sad?"

Nash shrugged and looked up at me and away from his phone. "Carter is very close to Betthany. He was really hoping it would work for you two. It's probably hard for him to be torn in between friends."

"Do you think I was stupid for breaking up with her?" He sighed and completely sat his phone down. He looked at me intently.

" I don't think it's stupid you broke up with her in general, but the reason you did was stupid. You should not have broke up with her because you turned into a giant ass and attacked Jack. That's not at all her fault. She was crying and screaming for you two too stop. She didn't want that.

Now the fact that she use to sleep with your best friend and didn't tell you is a good reason. But, I believe you shouldn't have been so rash. You should have talked to her about it. She really did seem to like you a lot and you seemed to like her. It doesn't change the fact that what you had was real because she used to sleep with Jack. You've slept with other girls , she's just not associated with them.

But if Leila were to show back up that doesn't necessarily mean you would sleep with her again, the same goes for her and Jack."

Nash looked at me and nodded his head, being clear and precise about what he said. I processed his words for a moment before retaliating.

"I see your point ok. I shouldn't have just assumed her and Jack still want to sleep together. But feelings don't ever completely go away Nash.

True, If Leila were to knock on our door this minute I would not even think about wanting to sleep with her. But even after everything she did I would still feel a bit nervous and overwhelmed. Because no matter what, even though I know I don't love her anymore, I still know what it felt like to once love her. I know that even if I fall in love with someone new it won't be the same way I loved her. Better or worse it's not the same.

Betthany, in the short time I've known her, has become leaps and bounds more important to me than Leila. But, I still can't help but compare the two every now and then.

The fact that the person she involuntary compares me with is Jack, one of my best friends, that really just rubs me the wrong way.

And even if she doesn't want to sleep with him, she surely still cares about him. It's only human to care about someone you love no matter what."

I thought about the note, safely tucked away in my nightstand drawer. "While my love for you may be gone I still do care."

I had thought about throwing it away the other night after I slept with Betthany. I truly decided to be done with Leila including everything she had left behind. I just didn't get around to it.

Nash grabbed my shoulder comfortingly and shook his head. "But she never loved Jack. Carter said she left him remember."

I shrugged him away and shook my head. "Yeah but she never loved me either, we were only together a little over a month. Me and Jack are one in the same."

Nash scoffed and stood up , grabbing his phone. He then said the oh too familiar words. Ones I want to smack out of his brain at this point.

"Cameron you don't know how she felt because you never asked. Love is not a matter of time but of feeling."

I went to say something to him, probably just tell him to shut the fuck up. But he cut me off with more weird Nash wisdom.

"But before you ask her how she feels. Find out what the fuck you want and how you feel."

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