Breaking the News

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Cameron's POV

I watched her leave and I couldn't help but stare at her butt as she walked away.

"Hey Cameron can I ask you a question about Betthany?" Hayes moved over into Betthany's seat and lent in so he was just in our two hearing zones. "Yeah go ahead," I nodded.

" Why her? She's nothing like Leila and I don't mean to just bring Leila up suddenly but I'm curious of this transition here. I don't really like Betthany."

I sighed at Hayes and rolled my eyes. I had expected he didn't like her much, since his previous closeness with Leila.

"Well Hayes it's a good thing you aren't dating her then I guess. I like her because we just really click well. I can't describe why exactly and that's how I know it's real."

Hayes just looked at me strangely for a moment before pursing his lips and leaning back. He nodded as he moved back into his seat next to Grace. "Well if you are in love then I'm glad for you man. You're right. It's not my life."

I instantly shook my head. "Woah woah woah. Love? I never said love. It hasn't been even two months."

Hayes shrugged and nodded his head toward Grace. " Love is not measured by time but of feeling." CHECK NASH QUOTE. I remember their mother had told them that.

Hayes told Grace he loved her after a month and two weeks. They have been together nearly a year and a half now.

Do I love her? It was hard to decided. I care a lot about her, and she makes me beyond happy. I love spending time with her and she knows how to put a smile on my face when no one else does.

But, I remember feeling that way about Leila once. That wasn't real love.

What if Betthany didn't love me back but I said it, then feeling sorry for me because of my last experience with Leila, she falsely told me she loved me anyways.

"Cameron are you going to get that?" Johnson threw a French fry at me, pulling me back into reality.

My phone was ringing. I pulled it out of my pocket and answered without seeing who it was.

"Hello?" Everyone at the table was silent. I'm not sure if it was out of respect or just to hear my conversation.

"Cam? Hey. It's Sammy. You busy? This will only take a minute." I looked around at the table. I was just waiting for my food, and wasn't really engaged in a conversation at the moment.

"Yeah I have a minute or two. What is it?" I hadn't talked to Sammy in like three months and I hadn't seen him in like six.

"I just wanna catch up in your lady status. Betthany Stevens is your girlfriend?"

I remember Betthany telling me she had known Sammy. That must be why he is interested.

"Yeah that's right. She's great." It was quiet for a moment over the phone line and most people at the table now seemed uninterested... besides Carter who was still watching me.

" I'm surprised you would date her after what used to go on and everything that happened." He said it casually as if I knew exactly what he was talking about when I in fact had no idea.

"What do you mean? What used to go on?" I could tell I sounded concerned and my Voice had risen because now Nash looked at me too.

"Well I mean the whole fact that Jack used to fuck her. I would find it too weird that my girlfriend used to beat my friends meat. You're too accepting Cam. I had to call because I couldn't believe it."

I literally almost asked him to re-say his words but I knew I had heard him right. There was no other way to hear that.

Jack and Betthany? Which Jack?

"Johnson or Gilinsky ?" And at that I now had all eyes from the table back on me besides Hayes and Grace.

"What do you mean which Jack? Gilinsky of course. You didn't know about this shit?"

Glinsky? Oh my god they were out there alone together right fucking now. What the hell.

"No I didn't know one damn thing about this. Thanks though, I have to go ok. I will call you back later."

I hung up without a Goobye and practically threw my phone on the table.

Control yourself Cameron

Control yourself

"Who was that?" Carter looked worried.

Had Carter known? He's her best friend of course he knew.

And Johnson had to of known if Sammy does.

"You both knew and didn't say a word." I shook my head at them both and then stood up from my seat.

They were out there alone right now doing who knows what. Could be fucking each other real quick in the car, making out against the building wall.

Used to fuck her , Sammy words rang through my head.

So they just slept together and never dated? I would have known if Jack had an actual girlfriend.

He used her. He used that ball of perfection for sex. What the actual hell.

"Knew what?" Johnson looked very very confused.

"Know what?" I laughed, shaking my head. I threw my arms up in the air before bringing my fist down on the table. A few people from other tables looked at me.

"How about the fact Gilinsky out there used to have sex with my girlfriend. Oh my god you bastards didn't tell me. She didn't fucking tell me."

Carter looked truly horrified and Nash looked beyond shocked, matching Graces and Johnson's expression. Hayes looked completely angry.

"That bitch", Hayes let out. I looked at him abruptly and pointed my finger at him.

"Don't call my girlfriend that. Jack used her for Sex. He's the problem and he's about to fucking get it."

I turned and started to walk out and I heard them all shoot up behind me. "That is so not what happened Cameron ," Carter let out but I kept walking. He wasn't the one I was pissed at. Gilinsky was.

" Cameron seriously don't do anything you're gonna regret. Jack didn't use her." I blocked out Johnson's word and swung the restaurant door open, Carter yelling at me to stop.

When I got out there I found them immediately. Jack pulled away from her a bit and looked at me emotionless. Betthany looked shocked and worried. I looked at them both separately before my eyes landed on Jack.

" Don't ever fucking touch her you Cunt."



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