Starry Sky

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(Above is an edit I did of one of HPC's pieces
:3 )

A/N: This goes from angst to fluff in like .10 seconds??? Someone tell me what happened lol



Pidge's desperate cry for her mother preceded her sitting up, reaching out towards empty space.

Her dream.... It had been so vivid. The Galra had attacked earth, and her mom was cornered between sentries, desperately yelling, crying, demanding Pidge to run and save herself. And then a shot... the sentries shot and Pidge knew where that shot was going to land, but she couldn't bring herself to watch as the bright speck flew forward, straight for...

"Mom..." Pidge whimpered, feeling a tear trickle down her cheek. How could she leave her? What if the Galra had already made it to Earth? What if her dream was real? What if... what if she was too late?

Her heart pounded as she tried to breathe. No, it was just a dream, she told herself, desperately trying to shake away that feeling of dread. It wasn't real, Mom is safe.

Of course, her words were just that. Words. Were they truth? Pidge had no idea.

She wiped away the tears that were streaming down her cheeks and choked back a sob.

As she cried she found that the scenery was moving around her, her hands had grabbed at the blanket constricting her, and she was now walking towards some unknown destination. Her feet carried her to the Bridge where she saw stars...

And stars...

And stars...

Millions of stars.

Pidge breathed deeply, trying to find an emotional foothold in those stars.

There were so many. So many little things making up the beautiful sky. So many tiny dots, seemingly insignificant, coming together to form a masterpiece.

If they could work together and stay peaceful, so could she.

She heard footsteps behind her, but they faded into the background as her eyes watched a star shoot by. Or a meteor. Or a really unfortunate ship.


"You alright?"

Pidge almost didn't turn around at the sound of the voice, until she played back the sound in her head and realized it was right next to her ear.

She nearly jumped out of her blanket cocoon.

"Lance!" She yelled, nearly falling sideways. A hand steadied her shoulder, and she looked up into eyes the same dark, deep, blue as the nebula outside.

Lance chuckled. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you." He said kindly, settling beside her as if she had just invited him to go stargazing. "What are you doing up?"

Pidge gave him a questioning look. "What are you doing up?"

"I couldn't sleep." Lance replied simply, his benevolent gaze turning to one of worry when he took a good look at her face. "Why were you crying?"

It was only then that Pidge acknowledged her tear-stained face and she looked away from her friend. "It... it was nothing."

Lance shook his head, scooted closer, and wiped a thumb under her eye to brush away a tear. "It wasn't nothing. Do you want to talk about it?"

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