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Heyo, everyone!!!

After a lot of thought, I've decided to make a few changes.

They're not huge, but I think you guys will like them.

Or not, idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I decided first of all that after one more one shot, I'm going to put this book on hold for a while. That way I'll have 50 chapters. I believe anything more is a little overkill lol

This way, I will now be able to focus on my other TWO stories. That's right, two!!

...The first one being "My Lost Treasure," she mermaid pirate au I've been neglecting.

The other is the continued version of the previous chapter, the high school au which I have called "Red Heart." If you want a preview, check it out by going back in this book a chapter. The full book has been created already, but it's just itching for chapters now. I'm not sure when Ill get out chapters, but I will try my best to write a little every week. Try being the key word lololol

Anyway, I hope this change isnt too upsetting. I think itll be nice to just carry out two storylines instead of multiple. If I do get an idea tho, you can probably expect another short story uwu

Love yall!
Bai!!! 💕

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