My Lost Treasure (Part 3)

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Lance woke up slowly.

He stretched his arms carefully and allowed his tail to uncurl from his sleeping position. Smacking his lips, he sat up and looked around.

His room was the same as it was yesterday: smooth, slate gray walls, soft sea sponge mattress, seaweed blanket, and some casual coral decor. It wasn't much, but it was his. Away from the chaos of his family and the rest of the ocean.

Just as Lance was enjoying the silence within his walls, there was a loud knock on the stone of his wall and the seaweed that blocked his door parted. "Lance, get your lazy tail out of your bed and come to the dining cave! Mom made crab-cakes!" Lance's little sister, Veronica, shouted obnoxiously through the seaweed and threw a dead piece of coral at his head. It didn't go far, but it smacked him in the face nonetheless.

Lance groaned and swam to his doorway. Veronica stood, scowling, her fiery orange tail swishing impatiently as her dark brown hair shifted in the ocean current.

"I'm awake, Sea Slug." Lance said, pushing past her. She stuck a tongue out in his direction as he swam by.

Lance swam into the dining cave tiredly, scooting past a small school of fish and sitting on one of the rocks around a large, flat piece of coral. Within moments, his mother swam in, bearing a large tray of crab-cakes. She set it down on the table with a tired smile and kissed Lance's forehead. "Morning, Starfish."

"Morning, Mom." Lance said while biting into a crab cake. "What's the plan for today?"

His mother sighed and sat down on one of the rocks. "Well, your sisters wanted to go to the anenome farm later on, and Marco has seahorse corral duty, but other than that, not much."

"Sweet!" Lance said, happily. He grabbed another crab cake, kissed his mom on the cheek, and then swam out the door.


It was early in the morning. According to the location of the sun relevant to Sky's Rock (kind of like a tall spire of rock used like a sundial), he had a few hours before noon arrived. At that time, Katie would be waiting to greet him for lunch.

He couldn't help but remember how she had called it a "date" and wondered if she liked him. Maybe...maybe it would work-

Lance's thoughts were interrupted by him smacking his head on something. He looked up grumpily, only to see something large and brown. He swam backward curiously until he saw Katie's ship above him, the sunlight gleaming around the edges of the monstrous wooden structure.

Suddenly awestruck, Lance swam around the sides of the ship and examined it thoroughly, from the barnacle-covered belly, to the salt-encrusted bow and lion-shaped figurehead. It was truly magnificent and, if he remembered correctly, the thing most feared by mer-people.

His parents had always told him to stay away from anything human related. They were dangerous creatures, meant to be feared, not loved. But there was something about these humans that made him feel safe. No, not these humans; just Katie. Katie made him feel safe. She wasn't the blood-thirsty pirate he'd heard about, but she was curious and even beautiful. She had held his attention from the first time he saw her and now nothing mattered except seeing her again.

Just as he was considering swimming back, he heard a familiar voice yelling. He snorted, listening to Katie boss the people aboard the ship around. She was no captain like he'd seen before, but she was just as bossy as one.

Maybe even better.


Well, short chapter, but a chapter nonetheless. I don't know how long this story will last, but I have some other ideas of one-shots that I may post in the meantime.

Also, I'm still taking requests. I'm a little out of ideas for other one-shots, so I'd appreciate some suggestions :P

Anywho, my mom is doing much better in case you guys were wondering.
She was discharged from the hospital today (YAY) and she's been feeling way better. To any of you guys who prayed for her, thank you 💖

Alright, bai guys! 👋


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