God Your Annoying

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Kidnapper-"Listen I'm not going to hurt you."

Me-"That's what they all say. Are some serial killer? Who's going to kill me? If you are, please make it fast Mr. Kidnapper." I'm actually begging for him to kill me. Am I insane? Yes, yes you are.All he did was look at me and burst out laughing. Is he high or something? Or just bipolar?

Me-"Are you high or just bipolar?" I am actually curious. All he does is look at me again and start into another laughing fit. When I don't laugh, he realizes I'm serious. He tries to calm down, but it fails, but his laugh is hot. STOP THINKING LIKE THAT, HE'S YOUR KIDNAPPER!!

Kidnapper-"You're serious?" I nod "I'm none."

Me-"Your both. And Hello None." He turns and glares at me, and dayum is his glare scary. I'm still going to annoy him and make him let me go. If he will.

Kidnapper-"Primrose, shut the hell up." My cheeks heat up with realization. He was there when I got my coffee. He smirks, probaly thinking he got me to shut up. So I start singing, loudly.

Me:" The snow glows white on the mountain tonight, not a footprint to be seen, a kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen, the wind is howling like this swirling storm inside, couldn't keep it in heaven knows I tried-

Kidnapper-"No, no shut up I hate this song!! Stop!!" He glares as he realizes I'm not going to shut up.

Me.". -Don't let them in, don't let them see be the good girl you always have to be, Conceal don't feel, Don't let them know, Well know they know! Let it go, let it go, can't hold it back anymore, Let it go, let it go, turn away and slam the door! I don't care what they're going to say, let the storm rage on, the cold never bothered me anyway! It's funny how some distance, makes everything seem small, and the fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all, It's time to see what I can do to test the limits and break through, No right, No wrong, No rules for me, I'm free! Let it go, Let it go, I am one with the wind and sky! Let it go, Let it go you'll never see me cry, Here I stand and here I'll stay, Let the storm rage on! My power flurries through the air into the ground, My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around, and one thought crystallizes like an icy blast, I'm never going back, the past is in the past, Let it go, Let it go, and I'll rise like the break of dawn, Let it go, Let it go, That perfect girl is gone! Here I stand, in the light of day, Let the storm rage on, THE COLD NEVER BOTHERED ME ANYWAY!

Kidnapper-"God your annoying,But at least you didn't sing off key. Now please be quiet." God are you seriously bipolar? I'm not going to actually ask him that. He'll probaly kill me, chop me into pieces, then feed me to wild bears. What? I have an imagination.

Me-" LET ME GO, LET ME GO, I AM ONE WITH THE WIND AND SKY, LET ME GO, LET ME GO, YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME CRY!! Heh, I'm so smart I changed Let it go to Let me go.

Kidnapper-" God, your lucky we're almost there." I'm making him mad, it's really fun, though. We pull up into an apartment building. He gets out, and right before he grabs my arm I run at top speed, I used to be the fastest on the track team, so I keep running I get about 3 blocks away before I'm tackled to the ground.

Me-"HOLY SHIT! THE GROUND HURTS!" I only hear a chuckle in reply. He picks me up so I'm facing the same way we're walking, since I don't know his name, I'm going to call him Jerry from Tom & Jerry.

Jerry-"You can run, and I know the ground is hard, that's the point." He's got a deep voice, Like- NO BAD BRAIN HE'S A KIDNAPPER YOUR A KIDNAPPEE!

Me-"Jerry, You are mean." Oppss I called him Jerry outloud.

Jerry-"Jerry?" Should I tell him I named him after a mouse? Nope. Would he kill me if I told him? Probaly. I really miss Emily, the thought of her brings tear to my eyes.

Me *whispers*-" Conceal don't feel, He'll never see me cry." I smile, we always played Frozen. One tear escapes and falls to the ground, no, I will not cry. Got to keep my head up. I start humming Just a Fool by Christina Aguilera and Blake Shelton. Humming or singing calms me down. Sometimes pacing.

Jerry-"We're here." I didn't even notice we stopped at an elavator. No, No.

Me *biting lip*-"Up or down?"

Jerry-"Up top floor." I cry out. Both fears, calm, calm, he puts me down and gives me a weird look.

Jerry-"What's up?" I look up and actually see concern. The elavator opens, I put on a brave face and walk into the elavator, after he enters the door close and my heart beat gets faster. I start to freak out, and pace, all while he keeps staring at me and then I FEEL it start to move and completely freak out. I know I'm making weird noises and running back and forth.

Jerry-" What? Oh small spaces, and heights." After what feels like hours the doors ding open and I run and dive for the ground. Which he laughed at. When he unlocked his apartment, I was surprised, It was sortof like a penthouse. It was nice. And wasn't dirty. Thank you, for being a clean guy, I mean really.

Jerrry saw my look and said "Expect the unexpected." i walked up to him and slapped him, Hard.

Me-" Didn't expect that did you?" I smirk. I regret not smacking him harder. He stares at me surprised, I did that to everyone who ever said "Expect the unexpected." In front of me.

Jerry-" Okay, that actually hurt." As he's rubbing his cheek. Heh, good.

-----------------------------------------------------------Hours later-------------------------------------------------------------

He made me some food, so I knew as long as I got food I would be fine. He let have my phone which didnt have signal I called him some very nice words for that, and I didn't realize I had my purse on me so I had all my money, my phone and my jewlery bag. I asked my his laptop.

Jerry-" Why?"

Me-" You can even watch me do it." He went and got it and gave it to me. I changed my phone name to Titanic. So when I plugged it into the computer, It said "Titanic is syncing" I hit cancel, Jumped up and screamed " I AM A HERO!!" He started cracking up.

Me-" Now I can check saving the Titanic off my bucket list." That made him laugh harder.

Jerry-" Where"laugh"Did"Laugh, laugh"You learn that?" Laughs like insane person.

Me *shrugs*-" Internet."

Me-" Did you know I surf?"

Jerry-" No, do you really?"

Me-" Yeah. the internet." I started laughing, pretty soon he joined in.

Me-" I want Starbucks." I stated randomly. He just looked at me. Grabbed his keys, and opened the door, I slipped my combat boots on, and waited for him. He walked torward the elavator.

Me-" Ah hell no!" I cried pointing to the stairs. After ordering my usual, I don't even know what he ordered.


Me-" Olaf." They both looked at me I shrugged.

Jerry-"Jerry." I looked up surprised.

Me-" Is that your real name?" He shook his head.

Jerry-" You called me that."

Person-" Jerry." He grabs his cup and waits.


Me-" I LIKE WARM HUGS!" I grab my cup and run. Him following behind, we raced to the car I win. We get in. He can't even breathe.

Jerry-" Oh my god, the looks on their faces." He's still gasping for air, maybe being kidnapped by him isn't so bad. I Am Offially Insane. And I'm okay with it.


Okay, I love Tom & Jerry... sooo, untill he get a name that's what I'll call him. Message me If you have a name, or comment. Okay, so I seriously have no shame so, I guess you try to get me to embarrass myself, you can, if not fine. Also those are my fears, and yes almost every time I come out of an elevator I dive. Love you.

~Waffles :D

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